Hi all, this is a piece I posted over in the artblog section, but I've done a bit more work on it (and will continue to). I wanted to see if anybody has tips on finding good color combinations. This is something I don't see discussed very much in art because I feel like i'm not making good color choices. A lot of people seem to just throw colors into their works until something comes out looking nice--others seem to be extremely systematic. I have no real experience in this and I don't even know where to begin. Should I try taking color schemes from real fashion? Reference color combos from other concept artists? Look at classic paintings? Randomly pick colors with my eyes closed? I'm willing to try anything that will help my approach this process more systematically, if such exists.

Anyways, I'll keep updating this over the next week or so as I try to work out just who this character is and how she should look and act. In the meantime, I'd appreciate any and all feedback and advice!

10 days later

The design may look more interesting if the sleeve was a combination of the end pieces of the upper far left, the whirls from the top 3rd, and the shoulder area from the 2nd and 3rd upper from the first post. The tags on the end of the sleeve suggest the arm is being sealed. Is there a story element to the arm? Just a design you liked?

You are doing well with color combinations already. It depends on what the story of your character is. Is this priestess evil? Most people would say to throw red, orange, black, or violet on her. No backstory? It is all up to you. Just understand complimentary colors and which colors clash together and decide what you want. The rest depends on which colors you want to show the most and whether or not a color is making design detail difficult to understand.

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