Here there! I´m complete new, but everthing is so exciting! My real name is Jana and I have been drawing since i was 12 but due to things in life it wasn´t always consistent. Now I would like to change that! I see forward to make Art my Profession :3 I hope you have interest in my journey! And I´m looking forward to see all this creative and cool persons around me :smiley:
My goal is someday to work as an Concept artist, till then I will get better at drawing!
You can find me under Dramwaple on Instagram, devianart, youtube and artstation. but artstation is a new book for me, so don´t expect much there :blush:
See you soon!

My first attempt at the Assignment 2- Image Adjustments!
After 30 Days I will try it again, I had some struggle at the last one because of the bright orange but I think I did good for my first attempt :blush:

Welcome to the forums Jana! I followed you on instagram you have a lovely gallery I cant wait to see more!

12 days later