Hello, I'm Elise! I just got Art School and will be posting my progress here. Soon I'll also post some of my current art to show where I'm starting from. I'm 16 years old, living in Scotland, and excited to start improving my art!

Okay here is a messy compilation of some of my recent art. I'm just using this as a record of where I'm starting from before I begin Art School. Let me know if you see anything in my art overall that I can focus on improving!

Hi Elise! Welcome to ArtSchool! Your work looks pretty nice already. If anything, since I see mostly characters I imagine it's what you want to focus on, right? So I'd say definitely focus on anatomy. No matter what's your skill level it's always a good thing to work on if your primary goal is to draw people.

But really, I'd recommend that you start Artschool from the beginning and as you get a feel of the course, skip around to things that interest you more or that you think you need to work on. You can always go back to previous sections of the programs afterwards.

Thank you for the advice! I definitely think that learning anatomy in a structured way will help me because in the past I've just picked it up in a pieces from random videos which gets frustrating. I'm really enjoying Art School so far and have already come across a few things I hadn't known yet in the Photoshop video. :smile:

Awesome! I personnally found the anatomy sections really nice. I don't don't know if it's because of the structure of the course or the way Marc explains, but it helped me understand anatomy much more than I had before :smile:

Wow Elise this is already very nice.
I also just started and I am now busy with figures and can say Cedric is saying you will definitely benefit from it.
Good work so far girl!

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