Hello, I'm a new student! :smile: I've actually been using Photoshop/Illustrator for about 10 years now, but mostly doing photo editing for product photography, product design, graphic design, logo creation, etc. However, I'm quite enamored with concept art and digital painting. Its something I always wanted to do, but as soon as I put my pen on the screen, I feel like I can't draw anything. I like to draw cartoon-style characters on paper, but I lack proper foundation for both traditional and digital media, which I hope to build during Art School. Hope to grow along with everyone :smiley:

These are my Day 1 attempts (left being the 1st and right 2nd). My dependence on the pen tool and line smoothing/stabilizing is quite apparent with these exercises. I'm quite embarrassed about it, honestly :sweat_smile: I'll be trying to do this assignment on a daily basis to get better at free-hand linework.

I'm using a Surface Pro and the 2017 Surface Pen. Anyone else using the same? Any tips to get better?

So after some research, I realized that my Surface Pen has a huge jittering issue! I'm trying to get it fixed with Support, but fortunately I have the older model of the Surface Pen which has no jitter. Annoying, but I'm just glad that I'm actually not that terrible at tracing a circle lol. Here's my Day 2.

My take on the dream house/castle assignment. I know its a little different, but my dream house is more in an ideal location versus the size of the house :joy:

I've started the term 1 nude figure drawing lesson this week :grin: I know I'm not uploading some assignments in the photoshop lesson, but I did so much photo editing and color correcting in my last job, I'm kinda burnt out from it lol. They're great exercises for beginners though so I encourage others to not simply burn through them like I did lol. Anywho, I'm 30 minutes in this section and decided to follow along. I really like this exercise! I never thought about the human body from this perspective. Not exactly sure if I like ovals or squares more.

9 days later

Went a little slower in this lesson than intended. It was a lot to take in since I'm so bad at drawing full bodies and anatomy,

Pictures from "SenshiStock" on deviantART. Excellent free (for personal use) library for this lesson.

page full of cylinders

30 seconds per photo for Gesture Drawing

1 minute per photo for Gesture Drawing. Marc makes this look so easy