Eesh, 6 days since my last post. I need to stay consistent. I think every day is a bit too much and unrealistic so I think I will make a post every other day starting from today.
To start off... Someone on my Deviantart (Which is also under the name of Elrodeon) suggested that I colour the Jinx picture I made. And in all honesty it's clear that I have little to no idea what I'm doing when it comes to colouring, as such I believe a lot of my images look patchy and incorrectly shaded when I add colour and tone to them.
This isn't to say it looks horrible now, but I am not overwhelmed by my colouring skills.
However it is evident that my drawing skills are improving and so that's a plus.
Next up, I furthered the last sketch in my previous post and turned it into a full image of one of my characters from World of Warcraft. A Night Elf Death Knight...
I am much more pleased with the colouring and tone here, although I definitely spent a lot more time on this one than the Jinx one previously.
Further down the line I also made a drawing on a character from League of Legends (This game seems to be becoming a popular theme among my art) called Diana, specifically in her Blood Moon Skin. I then went on to colour it as well and I'm somewhat pleased with the results.
I wouldn't consider this to be fully done yet as there are some parts I have yet to colour and shade. Although I'm not sure if I'll ever get around to it.
Next up I'm going to start working on my own characters for a little comic I won't to make purely for my own entertainment and practice.