I've made a few quick drawings in my spare time of some basic anatomy of the arm to get a better understanding of how to draw it, along with this I've made some quick figure drawings from images I found of people posing .

I also made a drawing of one of my characters using some of the things I learnt from arm anatomy, however I want to move onto other pieces of the body after this and really try to perfect different parts of the body from all angles.

5 months later

So... It has certainly been a while since I've posted anything up on here. I believe I lacked the proper motivation and mindset previously to be active an constant with my artwork. However I'm in a better place to do so now. Not sure if anyone will see this but hello if you've managed to find your way here, hope your day has been well!
I believe I have only really begun to understand what Achronic meant when he told me to learn to draw first before devoting my time to colour first. My goal right now is to try and draw daily. Even if it's something small I want to try and create something, be it on a little notepad or on my tablet. So, to start this off I'll post some lineart I did.

As I don't feel confident enough to create fully original pieces, I decided to make a brief rendition of a genderbend Thresh from the game League of Legends

I did some more...Stuff, i added some colour to the female Thresh piece I drew as I really wanted to see what it would look like with colour added to it.

Can't say I'm terribly dissapointed with it, although there are a few things I'd change if I were to do it again... Like the fact that I completely forgot to draw the robe on the right side... Ahem.
However as stated before, I really want to learn how to properly draw first and so I made some sketches from photo references and another from a game.

I continued with the idea of learning to draw better, rather than diving into the deep end, assuming I can draw and then colouring. I believe something I previously lacked with my art work was detail. I left a lot of space blank where I could've added detail to try and make my pieces more interesting and pleasing to look at. As such I made my own rendition of the character Jak from an old video game called Jak and Daxter.

I then began to draw my own character from Final Fantasy XIV, using a screenshot I took of him as reference for the outfit.

Referenced Screenshot

Original sketches

Final drawing (Still to make a background. Not sure if I will)

Furthering my drawing skills, I've continued drawing different characters of mine or friends' characters. I briefly revisited some anatomy drawings but forgot to save them as they were just quick sketches ;-;.
On the other hand my new drawings can be seen below
Below is a drawing I made of my friend's character. She's called Jane Rosetta and has a rather 'complex' story that entails many tragedies, dark corners and regretted decisions. One of which stands in front of her in the picture

Below is the coloured version I made of the picture. However I do believe I really need to work on my tone, colouring and shading as I don't really have much of an idea as to what I'm doing. But I just wanted to give it a go! ^.^

Below is another drawing I made of another character who just happens to be Jane's sister: Angel Rosetta. Needless to say these two character really...Really hate eachother for one reason or another >.>
With this piece I wanted to just work on my lineart and try to make my characters look more interesting and I think I'm definitely getting better at it. Furthermore I want to tidy this drawing up a bit next.

Instead of drawing my own character this time I decided to put a bit of a twist on things and draw my own rendition of an already known character. Jinx, the Loose Cannon from League of Legends. Once again I'm only concentrating on the lineart for now.

Furthermore I made some rather simple drawings from real life studies and tried to represent those in a more stylized way. I didn't want to focus too much on any kind of details here and mainly just wanted to get simple shapes right. I also added small bits on like fangs, and elf ears as I plan on drawing an Elven vampire next.

Eesh, 6 days since my last post. I need to stay consistent. I think every day is a bit too much and unrealistic so I think I will make a post every other day starting from today.
To start off... Someone on my Deviantart (Which is also under the name of Elrodeon) suggested that I colour the Jinx picture I made. And in all honesty it's clear that I have little to no idea what I'm doing when it comes to colouring, as such I believe a lot of my images look patchy and incorrectly shaded when I add colour and tone to them.

This isn't to say it looks horrible now, but I am not overwhelmed by my colouring skills.
However it is evident that my drawing skills are improving and so that's a plus.
Next up, I furthered the last sketch in my previous post and turned it into a full image of one of my characters from World of Warcraft. A Night Elf Death Knight...

I am much more pleased with the colouring and tone here, although I definitely spent a lot more time on this one than the Jinx one previously.
Further down the line I also made a drawing on a character from League of Legends (This game seems to be becoming a popular theme among my art) called Diana, specifically in her Blood Moon Skin. I then went on to colour it as well and I'm somewhat pleased with the results.

I wouldn't consider this to be fully done yet as there are some parts I have yet to colour and shade. Although I'm not sure if I'll ever get around to it.

Next up I'm going to start working on my own characters for a little comic I won't to make purely for my own entertainment and practice.

For the past day I have been working on some sketches and iterating on a design for a character's face that I intend to draw in a comic at some point. She's called Lilith and is a demo, banished by her own kind.
First, original sketches

second batch of sketches

First body sketch for what she looks like in her armour

refined face drawings