Hey there, I'm Elrodeon and welcome to my own little world here!
I'm an 18 year old who's currently studying in college. I don't study art although it has always been something I love to do, and something I want to take further.
I also love making worlds and writing stories, and so you will mainly see drawings and paintings of my characters and worlds. (Using traditional and digital art, although mainly traditional for now) Unfortunately due to my studies and other hobbies I won't be pumping out endless amounts of drawings and so you can maybe expect to see something every week or so.
Furthermore I would really appreciate it if you could leave me some feedback on my art as I do feel somewhat lost in this huge ocean of amazing talents and would love some direction as to where I need to improve.
Many of the pictures I will be posting are works in progress.

This is a quick sketch I made of two of my characters, I'm aware some of the proportions and stuff are a bit off, but I just wanted to get the general idea for the picture before continuing.

Here's another picture of one of my characters, I painted this one using watercolors. Although I feel I need to work on some of my strokes and tones, any tips or pointers would be appreciated.

This is a piece of fanart I made for the character Morgana from League of Legends, I did this one using oil pastels and watercolour to fill in some of the gaps to give it a grittier feeling.

Here's another oil pastel drawing I did of the champion from League of Legends: Gnar. However Unlike my previous one I pretty much copied the pose in his splash art, although I still like how it came out.
Last but not least here's a picture of another character I've made. I did this one only using watercolour pencils.

Hey Elrodeon! Welcome to the forums :smile:

It is great to hear that you love creating worlds and writing stories, that is the love for creation, which is what everyone of us are so deeply invested in! You did right by come by this forum, as there are indeed many skilled individuals here. I would love to leave feedback on your future stuff to help! :smile:

I understand that you don't have much time to post often, but I think it is sort of important to keep a blog alive. Right now, you might be connecting your love for creating stuff, directly to this source, and if it doesn't do well, it might affect your belief in, or love for creating. And this might easily discourage you! So just as a first feedback, I think posting weekly is a bit risky!

Now, there are ways of getting around this. I myself, am having an art related education, yet, because of the week-long creation process we have for each project, I usually don't have until the end of the week. This is why I am desperate to anything I can get my hands on, and post even silly sketches to keep the blog living and breathing. Luckily, I enjoy drawing on the side, so it isn't a hassle for me to make something while waiting for a bus or something. I assume this applies to most people in this forum, as we all enjoy sketching! :smile:

I won't have much time to browse the forums until Wednesday, so I just wanna leave an art hint that I found to be incredibly important; Master drawing before going into color. Now, by this, I don't mean quit coloring until you can draw. What I mean by this, is to try to learn things such as anatomy, proportions, values, line weight, foreshortening, perspective, etc before fully committing to spending a lot of time learning color. Art can easily be a journey of self discovery, where you draw for yourself and learn things on your own. But, this process can be enhanced by the immense amount of information floating around on the internets today, and I very much recommend you to look into that kind of exercise, before learning yourself to color. I remember being the best person at drawing that I had ever met, and I remember getting myself a tablet. I spent a very long time desperately trying to apply my drawing skills, and paint, yet everything I did seemed bad. A year must have gone by until I realized that, I was far from good, I was far from what was considered good enough to create even an unimpressive painting. I spent a lot of time considering why this was, and I always thought that I simply had to learn to "paint", and it was very discouraging. However, the moment I realized that I had to learn to draw properly, was when I instantly started improving. Hopefully this tip can help you, as I really wished I had that back then! :smile:

Thanks for the reply and welcome ^.^

And I hear you, creating smaller sketches and stuff to keep my blog alive shouldn't really be a problem as I can't help but sketch if there's a pen in my hand.
It's become quite a 'hindrance' when I'm trying to study! xD
And I hear what you're saying about learning to draw better before delving into colour. I believe I was aware of this I just didn't really want to delve into it too much as I'm always too eager to get to the colouring process.
Once again, thanks for the feedback and hopefully I'll have some more stuff up here by the time you check back!

I've made a few quick drawings in my spare time of some basic anatomy of the arm to get a better understanding of how to draw it, along with this I've made some quick figure drawings from images I found of people posing .

I also made a drawing of one of my characters using some of the things I learnt from arm anatomy, however I want to move onto other pieces of the body after this and really try to perfect different parts of the body from all angles.

5 months later

So... It has certainly been a while since I've posted anything up on here. I believe I lacked the proper motivation and mindset previously to be active an constant with my artwork. However I'm in a better place to do so now. Not sure if anyone will see this but hello if you've managed to find your way here, hope your day has been well!
I believe I have only really begun to understand what Achronic meant when he told me to learn to draw first before devoting my time to colour first. My goal right now is to try and draw daily. Even if it's something small I want to try and create something, be it on a little notepad or on my tablet. So, to start this off I'll post some lineart I did.

As I don't feel confident enough to create fully original pieces, I decided to make a brief rendition of a genderbend Thresh from the game League of Legends

I did some more...Stuff, i added some colour to the female Thresh piece I drew as I really wanted to see what it would look like with colour added to it.

Can't say I'm terribly dissapointed with it, although there are a few things I'd change if I were to do it again... Like the fact that I completely forgot to draw the robe on the right side... Ahem.
However as stated before, I really want to learn how to properly draw first and so I made some sketches from photo references and another from a game.

I continued with the idea of learning to draw better, rather than diving into the deep end, assuming I can draw and then colouring. I believe something I previously lacked with my art work was detail. I left a lot of space blank where I could've added detail to try and make my pieces more interesting and pleasing to look at. As such I made my own rendition of the character Jak from an old video game called Jak and Daxter.

I then began to draw my own character from Final Fantasy XIV, using a screenshot I took of him as reference for the outfit.

Referenced Screenshot

Original sketches

Final drawing (Still to make a background. Not sure if I will)

Furthering my drawing skills, I've continued drawing different characters of mine or friends' characters. I briefly revisited some anatomy drawings but forgot to save them as they were just quick sketches ;-;.
On the other hand my new drawings can be seen below
Below is a drawing I made of my friend's character. She's called Jane Rosetta and has a rather 'complex' story that entails many tragedies, dark corners and regretted decisions. One of which stands in front of her in the picture

Below is the coloured version I made of the picture. However I do believe I really need to work on my tone, colouring and shading as I don't really have much of an idea as to what I'm doing. But I just wanted to give it a go! ^.^

Below is another drawing I made of another character who just happens to be Jane's sister: Angel Rosetta. Needless to say these two character really...Really hate eachother for one reason or another >.>
With this piece I wanted to just work on my lineart and try to make my characters look more interesting and I think I'm definitely getting better at it. Furthermore I want to tidy this drawing up a bit next.

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