Hi, so i'm very new to using a forums opposed to something like Facebook, imgur, etc. So i thought i would start by uploading one of my most recent drawings before I begin with the program fully. I can't wait to see other people's progress!

This is a recent drawing I did a few days ago following some of marcs YouTube videos. Iโ€™ve been drawing avidly for 4 months. I wanted to get in to drawing from high school but my parents pushed me in to university. COVID pretty much tossed my entire career and 5 years of schooling to the wind. Instead of going back I decided to pursue drawing, and hopefully make some of my ideas in to a reality finally.

Welcome on the forums, Eric! :smile:
I am excited to see you around!
Cheers, Mau

Some prior drawn things before starting the course, mostly stuff from a story Iโ€™m writing


Really like the black and white one great job so far, im excited to see your progress within the Terms! :smiley: