If you're not a fan of landscapes then you could try making accessories for your characters. Could start with some simple boxes, bags, pendants, armor, helmets, glasses, weapons, tools, and so on. You could show how they function if they have any moving parts maybe. Just a thought.

I like 'Sketch Book' for drawing perspective as it's got loads of great tools for perspective drawing that work very similar to real-life tools (*Sketch Book App is free, Sketch Book pro is payed).

@snakker Thanks for sharing your drawing process on Procreate. This gives me a good idea of how my own drawing process should look like.
@br00dley I love your idea! In fact, when I first looked at your comment, I decided to study a sword from reference. I found it really enjoyable as opposed to landscapes.

This past week has been a mess. With being so close to the end of this year, business has picked up quite a bit, and, as a result, I have been pretty busy. On top of that, focusing on more than just one goal has caused me to output work without consciously learning from it, that is, drawing for the sake of doing so. In light of this, I have decided to limit the number of weekly commitments to just one oer week as well as limit the number of study materials to just one reference per day. Hopefully, not only will this allow me to actual learn from my work but also make it enjoyable. And here's what I worked on the last week...

Gesture Drawings (3 minutes):

Head studies (plus hair):

Trad portrait:

Digital portrait (corsshatching attempt, disregard hair):

Asset studies (sword in perspective):

Next week's commitment: Study texture and volume of hair, and how it interacts with gravity

these studies look great! good luck with year end!

Now, those studies look sweet!

I might be speaking some heavy popo here, but on the head studies, i really like those sketches but i feel like, on the line art stage, the lines lose a lot of their weight, i might be wrong but i think they should be a tad thicker. Oh and that sword looks sharp as hell, i've been avoiding props, but that sword makes me wanna draw some.

Nice studies! I agree with @Pattu_w about the lineweight. Some line variation could add to portraits. Swords look really nice!

@mitsuki-youko and @patrycja.lerch thanks for your lovely comments!

@Pattu_w you are right! Funny enough, prior to posting, I watched the bellow video on how I can improve my line art by thickening my lines. I liked the YTuber's approach - creating two layers: one for fine line art and the other one for the thicker areas. I will give this a try. Thank you for pointing that out.

9 days later

Hi everyone! Let me start by saying that I have never felt as happy about posting my art progress as I have for this week. My renewed approach to delivering on a single commitment a week kept me motivated and geared my focus toward learning. I learned a lot more about how to draw hair from this week than all the other weeks combined. I attribute this positive outcome to my prioritization of studying the form and volume of hair ALONE. Apart from my studies, I watched lots of videos, namely vods from Kaycem and Mike Mattesi on how to draw hair—they were instrumental in my learning. I now present to you this past week's work:

Gesture Drawings (3 min):

Hair study #1

Hair study #2

Hair study #3

This Week's Commitment: Learn how to shade hair

eyy these look great! a single commitment a week is a good idea for scheduling.......... maybe i should try that at some point lol