When ever it comes to painting the values in the face i just cant seem to get it right.. i get the difference between value but i just dont know where to place them? I know It also has to do with lighting. idk but here's some examples

What im looking for is more realistic tones, so my viewers can easily read the facial features.

I have the same problems to. What helps me is that instead of focusing on where the values should be. I focus on where the light source is coming from first, then I decide where to place values. If you would like, I could try repainting to help visualize what I mean.

Here are some repaints of what I am talking about.

They are extremely brief lighting changes that I added in.

Okay, so this is pretty easily explained But instead of typing I'll make a twitch video and post it tonight I'll take one of your faces here and do it. I'm not syndicated with twitch so it will only be up for two weeks so you'll have time to watch it at least.

It will take me longer to type out the explanation but maybe after I do it I'll be able to make a bullet point tutorial for you to use with lighting. Twitch link is in my BroBook artblog thing.

Okay the video is up and it will be gone in two weeks, unless I upload it to youtube. Its late and I am not an actual teacher and I'm just trying to help out with some principles. Here's the final of the 30-45min. Demo.

Hope it helps. Take a grain of salt with this because remember you are the artist and this has my aesthetics in it now and not your artistic license. Hope it helps and makes sense.

awesome! thanks man I really appreciate it. also i dont really care if people use my drawings. I rely on my creativity and no one can take that from me. Thank you for helping me with my flaws :smile:

Hey In the first picture I would say focus on adding shadow underneath the eyebrows and underneath the cheekbones and the neck and add some highlights on the eyes to make them pop.

In the second picture I would say focus on your lighting. The red and blue lights in the corner seem to be giving off a light thats reflecting on the person in the picture so I guess I would make the light seem like its actually hitting the face (unless the lights are behind him).

Here I redrew it to give you an idea of what I was talking about

@BroHawx That video was amazing man! I have no salt from any of your advice. I really think you should keep that video around cause a lot of people have trouble with making their paintings dynamic and realistic. Your video is what separates the pros from the ametures in my opinion. Ill be sure to update you on my progress til' then thanks man I really appreciate it. btw you should dye your Mohawk it would be awesome hahaha