I have been drawing casually for some time now, but I have just recently begun to post some of my paintings. After working on this portrait for some days, I feel like I am becoming blind to some of my errors. I am trying to capture a feeling of yearning. Could someone please critique my painting, or provide some hints to improvement?

I tried to experiment with some lighting effects:

I like the glow in her eyes and on the ear. Overall nice expression ^.^

You could add some more highlights from the moon in the hair. Otherwise it's super nice and I'd like to see the finished piece if you're going further on it.

I love how you did the lighting! I think maybe a slight arch of the eyebrows would help capture that expression of yearning? But otherwise, great job!

I think that might help further more of the look I was going for. Since the head is already slightly tilted, the eyebrows should have a greater angle. Thank you!

11 days later

Hi! I really like your portrait. Especially the warm light trough the ear is great. Really adds to the vibe.

The only critique I can think of is that the characters and the background have mostly the same value. As I squint my eyes I can not make out the facial features of your character. Maybe the advice is not good but that is one thing I noticed. If you are interested, I think Ahmed aldoori and Marco Bucci have some good YouTube videos of values in portraits!

10 days later

Here is an update of my progress. I made some changes based on your feedback. I was not happy with the expression of her face, and I tried to change it a bit.

with additional lighting effects:

I think it might call it finished soon. I could add some storytelling elements to her necklace. Perhaps it was a gift from someone. I am starting to get slightly frustrated. I think adding too many details early on, completely derailed me from the storytelling elements. I need to have a more clear goal with my painting from the start.

Note to self:

  • Limit to sane amount of layers (I am scared of not being able to
    rollback as I progress during the painting. I need to have confidence
    and merge/limit my layers even if I cannot undo later.)

  • Plan more ahead during initial phases of the painting. (It is much easier to change direction during the earlier phases of painting. Having a clear goal, and planning composition etc. ahead would help me a lot I think.)

I think it might be turning out ok, but my progress could have been much less frustrating if I had defined a clear goal from the beginning, haha. I will try to have more fun next time, attempting to finish my paintings!

I think it's coming along well, and the new facial expression looks great.

1 month later

I like the second treatment much better. The lighting effects make the work look brighter and more attractive. The facial features are more apparent. The only thing I don't like about the new processing is the color and structure of the hair. How long have you been painting fantasy portraits? I would like to try the caricature technique. Even though I lack drawing skills, I would like to do art. I've seen a lot of exciting caricature ideas on the internet. Last year, I ordered Christmas cards with the caricatures of my family. This time I decided to order caricatures in electronic format at www.photolamus.com. Hopefully, I will develop my art skills and be able to create such pictures myself.

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it. I am not too familiar with portraits, I find them difficult - but I want to become better. I bought my first drawing tablet around 8 years ago. I think having multiple extended breaks, and simply not painting enough, has made my progress slow.

It is never too late to start drawing. I am sure you will reach your goals eventually! I have not tried caricature, it seems like an interesting technique