Nice turnaround, you have an interesting character can't wait to see more :smile:

Nice work on the perspective on the turnaround. The anatomy is spot on too! Great work! Can’t wait to see where you take it.

9 days later

A mysterious guy in the hood with a big smile :grinning: I really like your process. Feel something awesome is coming! :scream:

Brutal! Great lighting on the character

lover it! nice work on the composition and painting so far.

This is awesomesauce. I assume you keep on rendering the lighting as we speak. I just feel that you might need to take a second look on the lower left corners lighting, because right now, I read it as if your light source is about an inch outisde of the canvas to the lower left of the corner.. And then your lighting scenario isn't consistent >.< You need a drop shadow, and more lighting on the ground as well.
Anyways, I'm sure you're already working on this. ^^ Good luck, and I'm looking forward to seeing the next update. :smile:

21 days later

grafik, mdashow, snakebearer Thanks!