I think I'm jealous of the skill man. :cry: But in all seriousness, this looks amazing. The cape just adds to the badass-ness of the character Glad to see this go from 2D to 3D. You really did an amazing job on this. Really inspiring. The colors so far are nice as well. Not sure if those will be you final, but, I personally like the blue lights and the pinkish purple cape. Keep it up man.
ps. I'm also really happy about the extension. I was originally going drop my character to finish my 2D(which I did finish) but now I might just have to time to finish. This is really motivating. Time to get back to work. :+1:

DAMN, delicious hard surface bits everywhere. GJ dude :grinning::grinning::grinning:

Absolutely phenomenal work, mate! That is some excellent hard-surface work, I doubt I'd even know where to start to even attempt something similar. I'm digging that break-up of the heel area too -definitely a neat way to resolve the feet.

:open_mouth: <3 My god this is so good , it's like my concept but taken to infinity and beyond

Don't forget to also add your final submission to the first post!
Great work!! :smile:

Glad to see the final. This is amazing bro.

wow that's a ton of really nice work! Loving all the little hard surface detailing. reads super cleanly. good luck man!

Thanks! Acolet thank you for reminding me, almost missed it :smile:

That is one highly detailed costume. Love it! Congrats on a strong finish! :ok_hand: top notch work.

Oh man!! The amount of detail you did put on this girl is insane!!! Really nice work on that Suit!!!
It is looking amazing!!! Great work!! Good luck with the contest!! :smile:

3 months later