Name: Jonatan Cwiakalski

I'm in!
I have a story behind my vision and it goes like this:

"In 21'st century Earth was... stolen. Yes, stolen - by a giant planet which arrived from deep space. During this event mankind faced edge of extinction, but eventually some survived. Today Earth is a part of giant thief's rings. Together with Mars and remains of the Moon. And people... they live in cities built in craters. Those craters helps in epic struggle with extremely unstable climate and... sometimes collisions with meteors still occur."

Best Regards

P.S. Good luck to all participants! :smile:

Edit - October 17th 2017

This is my final image:

and my Concept Sheet:

Thank you Cubebrush team for this great Challenge, judges for your time and effort and sponsors for the prizes. Big thanks to all competitors! Your feedback helped me alot and watching your progresses was a big motivation for me. Overall it was quite a journey and I must admit that there was a few moments when I was thinking about quitting... I'm so glad that I didn't! Good luck to all of you :).

Best regards

Edit 0 Days : 12 Hrs : 12 Mins after deadline
Since my final image which I was uploading before deadline was too big, the forum automatically reduced it's size below required 2048 pixels. I wasn't aware of that, but according to post of @Acolet:

...there's still hope for me and so here is my (unmodified except the resolution) final image that meets the requirements:

Thank you once again @Acolet for helping me out!


P.S. I haven't edited in any way anything that I posted or wrote before.

Thank you Mari - I'm glad you like it! Can't wait to see yours :wink:.


Thanks, I will try my best, but I am not really good at environment design.
Do you have art up somewhere? Artstation or some other site?

Unfortunately not. At least I don't have a portfolio of any kind. I know that's stupid, but I have some kind of panic fear of placing into portfolio anything less than some really badass pros out there... Probably that's one of the reasons I'm not one of them but... I'm still dreaming about become one of them some day - it's good to have a dream, isn't it? :wink:

The last thing related somehow to environment creation was this entry for matte painting challenge:

I had a lot of fun doing this but unfortunately it was the last matte painting challenge there and I haven't done anything purely environment related since then so... it will be great to feel like a world creator again and share it with other artistic souls here :).


Hello, this is just my opinion, but I think you should try to show more that this place was once another city or town (that's one of the topics it's supposed to be about) I think you should add more characters without construction to represent the collapse or Impact of something so you can appreciate more the apocalyptic environment :smiley:

Thank you. I agree in 100% that there should be more remains of the old world (more than planet bombed by meteors) and there will be so - I'm working on it :smile: . As for characters - I want to keep it as pure environment design or pure matte painting (I haven't decided yet) so there will be no people visible in the scene (especially that distance is a bit too great for that). Besides... there will be storm approaching from the horizon (another thing on my to-do list) so everyone's hiding :wink:.


Love the concept...and your hatchwork :smile: Look forward to seeing more.

10 days later

I was working on my 3D base for further painting. Here is the result:

In the meantime I tried to imagine how it would look like from the ground in three different scenarios (types of landscape) - swamp, frozen world and sea. I have not decided yet which type I will choose.

Of course those sketches are a bit overkill since I won't be using them directly in my final image, but... I had such a good time drawing this, that I couldn't resist :wink:.


cool designe, i like the arc shape objeckts .
Maybe you add on the third and last plan the same round elements to show some wide space
good luck

Thank you!
You right - third plan definitely needs more love. As for the arc shape objects - I hope at the end they will be more readible as craters, but first of all I want them to look cool, so... I'm really glad you like it :).


12 days later

I couldn't spend too much time on this since last WIP and now I have to completely abandon the Challenge for two weeks - I'm taking a vacation and I will have no access to computer. But when I come back there will be still month till deadline so I should be OK.

This is where I'm now:


28 days later

14 days later

Those pencil sketches look absolutely amazing, you've really conveyed a great scale with them. I think that may have gotten a little bit lost in the WIPs, the size of city within crater really made the planet feel massive. Also, the debris in the sky - the planet rings or floating ice / rocks really have a great read on the 4th WIP, but have started to blend a bit in the 6th one. Maybe deciding on keeping them as a contrasting value - dark on light, might make them a bit more legible and recognizable as a cohesive shape.
Awesome work so far man, keep it up :smile:

Thank you @volenck ! I'm glad you like my sketches and I agree that later WIPs lost a bit of initial feel/vision. I hope I will be able to bring it back in the end. Currently I'm more focused on details (I can work on it about 1 hour per day), but I keep everything in manageable state so I think I'll be able to adjust/enhance things like colors, brightness and contrast, aerial perspective etc. later, so I hope my final image won't be too much disappointing. Thank you once again for the kind words and ideas for improvement :smile: . I will definitely keep them in mind.
