A few more select concepts, this time a refined version of Kuno's 'devoted' where they screw hookah pipes onto themselves, as well as looking at the canopies in a bit more detail. I wanted the devoted to be somewhat frail and feeble, but hailing from a similar design philosophy to the giants, perhaps saying something about their makers?
I thought it would be interesting to have the religious symbols of these worshippers to be an array of electrical symbols. I came across so many great designs while looking at them, some give a very nordic rune vibe. I created some alphas for use later in the project so we have them ready. If you're interested I also put up a link on gumroad if you'd like to use them for free -
Some of the base details of the mech done, I'm planning on going over everything with a few scratches and scrapes to weather it a bit, was difficult at first trying to incorporate a certain style and have it consistent, as well as deciding about detail density of areas. Finding hardsurface to be a lot more deliberate and considered than organic.
Hi Goat !
Haha I know the struggle about putting details everywhere !
Maybe you should think about how the environment could affect your object. For exemple, the scratches on the plate behind the pipe may look odd, as that part should be protected a bit by this pipe.
Aside from that, it looks great so far