Hi guys, I'm back :sparkles:! During these days I've tried to keep up with the assignment but didn't meet my expectacions, here is what I did. I skipped the first assignment cause I wanted to try all the complete construction.


I did more than 10 lol


About the proportions of the body I had to recall all of my knowledge about muscles, didn't draw humans for a long time. The blue one are with notes and the other are almost from memory, only the last one is totally from memory.


And now, the gesturessss! Only did two days but wasn't enough, I'll try to do more


Also here, didn't do what I expecte, had a lot of issues with the visual measurement

Here's the rest of the assignment (I've reached the limit in the previous post) :skull:

I've tried to test my rusty memory and did a couple of bodies from imaginations, some are a bit broken, lel.

Well, that's all for this week, see ya next time ppl. Cheers :pizza: :sparkles:!

These are really well done! Great perspective on the cylinders and the curves look really clean and well done! The proportion exercises look fantastic! I can't comment on the muscles as I am not at that point yet but they look really well done! The gestures are looking good! Lots of energy and movement! Do you always do 30 sec poses? You capture so much in 30 secs I would love to see what you can do in 1-2 mins. Measurement assignments are looking good to! Great work! Keep it up!

@Lockenheim Thanks for the feed :blush: ! The majority of gesture I did was 30 sec but some are like 40 or 35 sec.

10 days later

Hello :sparkles: ,thanks @aphamfx for your kind words! I've finally managed to finish all the assignment from the first term. Here are the photoshop assignments (I inverted the alien one )

Pen control - this was overall pretty easy although I had some troubles with the last row, I tend to have a very heavy line, so it was a bit challenging.

Image adjustment - pretty good overall

Combining images - So, this wasn't new for me but I struggled with matching lighting and color. Here the urge to use the brush was high but tried to do a bashed photo piece without the brush. I think that it can be improved with other details and with adjusting the images. I don't know if this would be my dream house but I wouldn't mind living there.

Selections, Liquify, Heal, Stamp - these were good I think, the apple one was the most time consuming but I managed to construct a decent basket at least. With the alien assignment I thought :" how a human would look like with alien feature?" and I ended up making a cursed image ahahah. Some edges are a little wonky, I don't use liquify often.

And here I did some gesture in class mode (30 min each class)
The first one I did better the 30 and 1 min gestures but I failed with longer ones because I didn't have a solid workflow for the construction and kinda panicked. This was done on 04/22.
Today 04/28 I did another one after I joined the pose challenge on discord for several days and the longer one turned better than previous ones.

Have some random sumos I did from imagination

As always, feedback are always welcomed!
Cheers :pizza: :sparkles:!

Beautifully done Giulia! Your foundation is already very strong I struggle to know what to say other than fantastic work!