Hi, thanks guys for your kind replies , I appreciate them a lot
! I finally finished the 2pt perspective and I'm impressed, probably a month ago I wouldn't have drawn something like this, so I'm satisfied and will probably make another study in perspective.
Since I used something like 20 layers only for the constructions of the objects I'll show an example of how I tackled an object.
The more pronounced blue lines are the one I constructed for the store sign and once I had them I would redraw the object on the lineart layer. I applied this to every object I faced.
The rough sketch construction
And this is the complete lineart of the building, was super time consuming but next time I would like to apply different line weight to create the illusion of volume.
Aaand since I wasn't satisfied enough I decided to paint the values (left) and then apply some texture and lighting to create a more realistic and aged building. The lighting in this was not calculated precisely and some shadows are obviously eye-balled but I tried for fun.
Well, this is the update of week! I'll focus next on gesture drawing and photoshop assignments, hope I deliver them in time ehehe. Thanks for the feedbacks, always welcomed! See ya next week!