I've been working on some portraits of various Dungeons and Dragons (5th Edition) classes for a web-app project a friend is working on. So far I have done a Bard, Cleric, and Warlock. After I finish the classes, I will move onto doing portraits representing the different races.

I will be posting some WIP pics as I work along the rest.

The starting process for a new character, I like to start these off on physical paper just to get a really rough idea of what I want, this one is going to be a Dragonborn Wizard (I've been trying to stick to more nontraditional race class combos).

A lot will change around when I get to photoshop, but this is enough of a base for me to work with and play around with ideas.

Hey! Welcome to the forums! :smile:

Creating dungeon and dragons characters sounds like fun. Are you going to post 3D work as well?

I hope to get some 3D work up here for sure. Been working on my drawing skills lately, trying to get them a little more up to snuff. This project is going to eat up my time for the next bit, but after that I want to start a new 3D project to get those skills more up to snuff too.
I have some 3D stuff over on my portfolio page: http://hall3d.tumblr.com/

Sketch image has been cleaned up quite a bit at this point. As I add the flat colours onto him I can figure out where I need more or less line work detail. The colours won't be my final choice, but these are within the range that I'm looking for, but like anything I could completely change my mind haha.

Here it is, all finished up. I like how it turned out, I enjoyed the effect I was able to get out of the lightning, and I like the final colour palette that was chosen in the end.

Had fun with this one, another to come soon.

Here's the next one, a half-orc Druid. Got his basic flats and line work in, moving on the shadows and highlights. Thinking of having stark moonlight on his right which he is raising his staff to, and then having his wolfs head's eyes glow, I think it will look pretty neat.

Check in later. Peace.

Here it is, my finished Half-Orc Druid. Really like the night time light look that I was able to get, and the smokey glow from the wolf's eyes has a nice northern lights feel to them which I like.

Not sure what combo of race and class I will tackle next, but I hope it turns out as fun as this one.
Until next time.

A starting sketch for my latest DND 5e class portrait, a half-elf ranger, really happy with where this one is going, I can definitely feel my posing getting better, which is great!
My girlfriend used to be a champion archer when she was younger, so I decided I would base my elf's likeness on her as a little surprise for her, shhhhh.

Think this one is going to turn out really good, check in later, peace.

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