I have been considering uploading here for a while, but it is a bit scary when a lot of people on here are extremely skilled. However it is still a chance to improve so it would be stupid not to take it. I wasn’t sure on which illustration I’d pick, at first I thought I’d choose something I was really happy with, but then I ended up picking something I wasn’t too happy with but I couldn’t quite figure out why. Feel free to critique me!

Thank you !

Glad to have to abroad. Welcome to CB
Quick question about the piece, is she sitting down on a chair?
Things that I believe you can work on:
1. Lighting - Other than the light coming from the windows, There should be some bounce light coming from the ground to light up the figure. Right now everything is just dark in value. The lights from the window don't seem as bright as they could be. Even if there is not a light in the room she is in, you can have a nice 2 or 3 point light set up. Guessing the light is coming from the moon? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Also if there is an chair in the scene, It would get lit up as well.
2. Proportions/foreshortening - Well your doing this at a really hard angle. It's good to challenge yourself. I recommend finding some reference or taking a photo of yourself. Right now things that look really off would be that of the right arm.
3. Anatomy - Where the arm is and the face feel off. If the right arm is also bro then it's a bit ok.
4. Brush work - It's seems your using a custom brush in some areas and it just feels off. Use custom brushes after establishing a strong base with your forms. In this case you probably don't even need to use a custom brush. A soft brush would work fine. Fill your shapes with a big a brush and make it smaller and smaller when adding detail.
Other tips would be
Give your scene a ground. You probably add her missing/broken arm as well.
Start with a line drawing and then add your values and then colors.
To make the scene more dynamic and add to the story, you can have her reach for the light. That might make things harder but it can still be cool and have a nice impact story wise. You'll give off that feeling of trapness more.
Anyway I did a crappy but hopefully helpful PO

Again I hope this all makes sense. If there any questions I'll try my best to answer. Look forward to seeing what else you can do.

Thank you so much for the help! I’ll try to repaint considering your points!

No problem at all. :grin: