"It's a marathon, not a sprint jimbo." - Hugh Neutron (probably)

Hey guys! You can call me J. For as long as I can remember, I've always been a fan of illustration, story-telling, and animation (anime, cartoons, cool plots and fight scenes. :revolving_hearts:)

Up until now, I've been mainly "self-taught," in the sense that I've hopped from youtube tutorial to DeviantArt masterlists over the years to learn. But now my progress has slowed to a crawl- probably 'cause of my unwillingness to try drawing anything that I know I kind of suck at drawing.

So my goals with this class are this:
- Complete the course!!
- Get out of my comfort zone.
- Draw consistently.
- Have fun drawing new things again.

Criticism is welcome (only if you want to though :blush:) Feel free not to hold back once I start updating this post with my assignment work.

Some pictures of my art to track improvement.

Alright, that's all, 'till next update! :smile:

Yo snakker here, local noob, welcome aboard!

Can’t wait to see your work


hiii, welcome to the forums! :smiley:

I too am into story telling, animations and fight scenes :smiley:

I joined art school cuz i wasnt good at drawing environments - which i will need to do to be able to draw my comic and animate my trailers for the comic :stuck_out_tongue:

Hiya!! Thank you! ahh, same to be honest. Part of my reason for joining was cause I AVOID drawing backgrounds 80% of the time... it's come back to bite me now

Drew alongside the Figure Drawing video in Term 1 and this is what I have so far:
Credit for references: Pyjama-Cake, LaLunatique (https://www.deviantart.com/lalunatique)
I've never drawn peple based on a grid so it was a little difficult for me. When I draw it by memory I'll update this post!

I started the gesturing drawing daily practice today! I did 30 minutes of 30s to 1m practice.
I've done gesturing drawing before, but never back-to-back. It was kind of exciting since it freshened up the experience!

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