9 days later

Drew some muscles over photos. Any tips and advice for being able to spot the muscles easier is welcome! This was a bit challenging.

12 days later

Fixed the torso of a couple of my old drawings and one of my husband's drawings for one of the assignments.

Any pointers are welcome, and feel free to do fixes of your own on these drawings! The assignment called for using other people's art but I just used my own LOL.

21 days later

9 days later

Hello! I did the assignment where you draw the muscles on skeleton! Any critique is welcome :smiley:

Looking good mate. id say the third one from our left to our right looks just a bit off. like a bit flat and the figure's left trapezius muscle seems to be reaching beyond the upper portion of the acromion onto the surface of the left deltoid. The posed one on the other hand i feel looks very good! maybe the left pectoralis major would taper a bit more towards the distal potion as it reaches under the deltoid


Ohh I see what you mean about the 3rd one's left trapezius! And yeah, I agree, I didn't give the muscles enough dimension, I might have been too focused on just the positioning of the muscles haha. And yes, you're right about that last one's pectoralis major. It makes more sense that it would taper.

Thank you for the feedback!!

1 month later

Some life drawing from December 2023

And this one's from this month!

I found that doing the last couple of muscle assignments made this a lot easier for me. Who knew learning where the muscles sat would help? LOL