My name is Jess, I usually go by SpacePie online but call me whichever :smile: . I've been creating art most of my life on paper/canvas, usually working with inks, pencils, or watercolors. Usually, I create very unique semi stylized semi realistic creatures. I'm taking this class because I want to learn how to create art digitally and better develop my skills. It's my dream to create art professionally but I know I'm quite there yet. Hopefully through this class I will be able to finally conquer the beast known as Adobe Illustrator, successfully make a human that's not a skeleton (or humanoid), and finally have the confidence to create art professionally.
Here are some pics of my non-digital drawings to show what I'm starting with on this journey :smile:
(I'm sorry they are sideways, idk how to rotate them)

Hi Jess! SpacePie! These are awesome! Welcome to the forums and I look forward to seeing your progress.

Little update,
I'll admit, acclimating to digital art is a bit tricky. I keep thinking "Oh, this is going to be easy!" and then it's really not haha. Only just finishing up term 1 and I already have so much more respect for digital art then before. I feel like I've been moving slowly through the curriculum, but I keep needing to remind myself that, like learning any new medium, this will take time.

__ Gesture Drawing

I have already seen improvement in my figure drawing. I don't always have the time to do my little gesture drawing sessions, but when I do I try to do at least one thirty second warm up and one one minute warm up. Outside of the warmups I have been trying to focus on figure drawing simply because that is a subject I want to improve most on. I don't have any pictures for the time being, but I will upload some of those in my next post :).

__Perspective Room

This was so much fun! I haven't done a simple perspective in a while so it was nice going back to the fundamentals in the drawing so I could focus on getting used to the tablet and photoshop. I know it's not super clean or detailed out, but this is a drawing I'll definitely keep working on and improving throughout the class. It's a garden bedroom. In the world I've created the mushrooms produce light that mimics sunlight for the plants around them. The fungi are also curious little dudes that love to explore their surroundings before settling down in the soil.
I hope everyone on here is doing well and thank you Lockenheim for the warm welcome :smile:

Nice work Jess! These are very well done! Keep it up! I think I have heard Marc say before it takes about a month or so to get used to the new medium? But the fundamentals are there!

19 days later

I've been busy focusing on figure drawing as of late. here's some of the sketches I've been doing both on Photoshop and on paper :smile:

Just played with finding the skeleton and lighting, then drew the pose separate from the original image

had fun with the charcoal brush :blush:

And now for the doodles on paper

attempted drawing my friends as they played Yu-gi-oh

Lastly, my rendition of a magic card :smile:
I feel like I've already gotten so much better with the human figure and am so happy with my progress. Thank you for checking out my art progress, feedback is always welcome and appreciated

Very nice work Jess! I am a beginner artist myself but one thing I hear mark say a lot and that I worked on a lot when I started was line confidence especially with the gestures. Try to make the lines with one quick motion and if it isn't correct just ctrl+z. You will do this a lot at first, and the gestures will look worse at first but it will help the lines look a lot smoother in the long run! I really like the pieces you did here especially the magic card. I forget the name of the card but I remember the picture and this looks really good!