Hi! My name is Jorge and I've been a Videogame Design and Development student for the past 4 years, I finished last year and I started as a programmer but I discovered that what I really wanted to do was draw by the beginning of third year.

I sadly didn't get proper art education there despite having some art subjects and after some time of resting, thinking and a lack of confidence I decided to join this course with hopes of improving to the point I can get a job as an artist.

You can find where I post my drawings and/or games in the following links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TCLDrawings
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/tcldrawings
ArtStation: https://www.artstation.com/jorgep
Itch.io: https://thecookielord.itch.io
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jorge-pons-asensio-bb737a209/

I've never been very active in forums or big communities but I'll do my best to stay active here and remember as many of you as possible. I'll leave some of my drawings as an example of what I can do at the moment and I'll come back with exercises and their results. Sorry for the insanely large introduction, I have to say I'm a bit nervous haha. See you around!

Welcome to the forums Jorge!
Those are great pieces! I like how much energy they have with this big smiles.

Can't wait to see more

Welcome aboard Jorge! I was the same (nervous about discovering what I'm made of and showing my art/practices here) but I promise it's the best place to get comfortable with learning. I did not use the forum at first but after I started posting and interacting with students, it made a huge difference and it made me more committed.

Good luck! Love the pieces you posted, you will do great :grinning:

Thanks for sharing your point of view on joining this, makes me motivated to keep posting and drawing, see you around!

First week stuff, I misread the document went ahead of myself to do the liquify/cloning exercise as well but that's fine, off to a neat start I'd say. I already have some pen control since this is obviously not my first time using a table so I took this pen control exercise as a chance to practice faster and more direct strokes instead of slowly going at it, circles were great to train the entire arm as it's really important to not stick with the wrist or the fingers alone.
I've never used curves or editad values before so I was a bit worried about that assignment but it was actually really fun!

I joined the Discord server and after chatting with some people in the Term 1 chat I got a better picture of how I'm gonna aproach it seeing how I already have some drawing skills from before, I'm not just gonna skip content like that but if I do see things that feel easy for me I won't give them as much priority when it comes to practicing. With that being said, here's a bunch of recent stuff I've made for the assignments. I won't be posting every single thing because if I had to put every single daily pen control practice or bunch of cilinders they'd eat up the whole board before getting to the good part! And my wall of text is already filler enough.