Well, in the end it all really depends. I think when you are trying to improve your line work, you should put a lot of effort into each line, simplifying and ghosting each line, taking your time etc, as for some applications your use of line can be a big deal, especially if the lineart will be prominent in the end result (like inked comics for example). It also helps when sketching and doing gestures to improve your line quality and confidence.

That said, you can totally "hide" bad line quality, you can be as sketchy, chaotic and messy as you want to be before pouring buckets of values or colors in your preferred rendering method, essentially vanishing any remnants of line art if that is how you work, in fact, some artists paint directly, entirely foregoing lineart for the most part. That's not to say it's right or wrong, but when learning I think it's best to do your best at any given thing you do, avoid being sloppy at all times, and make each mark meaningful and as easy to read as possible, both to do the exercise of understanding what you're doing at a pace your brain can actually comprehend and also to constantly reinforce concepts you are learning

It's hard to say what's most challenging. It's so subjective for me, but I remember struggling hard to do gestures when starting out


9 days later

It took much more time than I expected to draw out the background, combining perspective with the way it's drawn out, which was difficult, but that's to be expected. I tried to copy and study a scene around Tokyo station, although the details were a little rough because of the low resolution/quality, and some parts were blurred out.

Apart from the background, the other exercises are easier for me to grasp, such as shapes, but I could use some more practice to develop my skills and adapt my drawings to them. Overall, things are going pretty well. I only need to work on perspective/background, so I will keep working on it along with other fundamentals until I get it right.

As Week 7 comes to an end, I'm taking the opportunity to practice some of the things I really enjoy, such as drawing shapes in rotation and drawing poses, in addition to reading books on how to improve on them. (For posing, I read a book called Figure Drawing: Design and Invention, by Michael Hampton).

As well as for the fun of it, I draw my OCs to see how much I can apply my artistic skills to them.

As far as the quality goes, I think it's pretty good. I know there are a few omissions here and there, but it's good to see I am getting better each week. I also could have touched on perspective and environment, but I didn't want to get too overwhelmed.

Nevertheless, I am pleased with how things are moving forward, so I will continue to do so.:hand:

In Week 8, I have been making steady progress as usual. However, I do feel slightly sluggish due to mental exhaustion from work this week, but I have managed to complete my assignments and read and watch videos about perspective and background in addition to working on my assignments.

However, I still need more practice and time with the details as I slowly adjust to the perspective, and I've also learned how to copy backgrounds, which I think has helped me better understand how it's drawn, even though some are traced, but I still haven't mastered drawing backgrounds well despite having references.

The first term of my studies has ended and I'm starting term 2 next week, and I feel more determined than ever to succeed no matter how little has been acknowledged or improved in my accomplishments. Whatever the case may be, I look forward to improving even further! :hand:

Week 1 Term 2:
In all honesty, this week was a bit more challenging than I anticipated. In spite of being able to adjust to the study happening around me, I encountered difficulties catching up with my studies. Inkscape and Photopea were the alternatives to Photoshop for me, so I used them to draw and use tools after watching those lecture videos.



On the other hand, this assignment took me two days to get a good grasp of painting from the shades and the lighting of the portrait while using a mirror and my existing Oc to draw this out.

Overall, I could use more practice when it comes to using more tools. While it could help me in the long run, it's up to me how to use it properly and add it to my arsenal to draw out great artwork and animation. On the artistic side, I'm feeling a bit confident about how my progress goes on drawing out characters up close, just to practice more on lighting and later on their poses, construction, etc.

As always, I look forward to improving even further on my journey. :hand:

Nice job on the self portrait, you have some solid forms in the hair section especially. The pupils being that small gives a very intense look, maybe try experimenting with that in the future? Unless that was the intent, in that case feel free to ignore. :smile:

Week 2 in, term 2: So far things have been pretty hectic this week, so I barely made it through progress, nonetheless, I was able to draw up for this week:
2 Minute gestures



Custom brush

10 heads

Still needs more practice on the heads since I took a while on other assignments, but can't rush my progress, so I'm a little satisfy with how things are, and focus further through.

Anyways, as usual, I'll keep on improving! :hand:

Term 2, Week 3 review: when it comes to the facial features, it still needs more practice, but I got the gist of it and I know to draw out the basic, shading and small proportion in certain details still needs to be fixed as I look over any mistake, I believe I made-

10 Minute poses

One of my best volume perspective practuce

One of my head studies

5 characters from imagination

Defoe's Head/lighting study

That's all I got for this week, and of course, I'll keep on improving as always. :hand: