Hi guys! I'm Huy, but you can call me Judash137 . I'm a free lancer illustrator. Here is my first personal Art blog in the forum. Hope it will be fun.

Check more artworks in my gallery:
My DA: https://www.deviantart.com/huy137
My Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/huy137
My IG: https://www.instagram.com/judash137/
My twitter: https://twitter.com/Huy137
My Tumblr: https://judash137.tumblr.com/
My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Judash137Art/

Hi @huy137! Welcome to Cubebrush :smile:

Your work looks very nice and epic. I look forward to see more!

Thank you for the compliment. I actually like to draw beautiful girl more than monster and dragon. :heart_eyes:

Here is another work I made for my customer. The scene took place in a golden city among desert.

Oh! your work is very dynamic and detailed, I like it!

Thank you for the compliment, Here is another scene in this serie of illustration for Ahket the aluminary saga. In this scene the bird trying to eat the fruit of its owner.

Here is stuff I like to draw the most: beautiful female heroine

14 days later

This is my fanart for Riven from League of Legends game, I just love her black eyes make up

11 days later

My fanart for princess Jasmine from Aladdin cartoon. The Aladdin live action trailer look great too.

This fanart was made during Aquaman movie released date a long time ago. In this scene, Mera is fighting with a bunch of Trench:

1 month later

This fanart was made for Tifa from Final Fantasy VII remake trailer, enjoy the fight:

1 month later

This is my Wonder Woman commission for Sanford. The scene was base on classic Wonder Woman. You can visit here for more version of this scene if you like: http://bit.ly/2IiiiKr

1 month later

This fanart was made for Jade from Mortal Kombat. Enjoy the fight. You can visit here for more version of this scene if you like: https://bit.ly/2MEpdkd

28 days later

This fanart was made forChunli from Street Fighter V. Enjoy the fight. You can visit here for more version of this scene if you like: https://bit.ly/2AJuKhF

1 month later

This is my Jaina Proudmoore fanart to celebrate Patreon day, enjoy the mana fountain.

1 month later

Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone!
This is my take on Elsa 's new costume from Frozen 2 movie. Enjoy!

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