Hey all! I'm a complete amateur artist who just got laid off from their sysadmin job. I've been completely burnt out, exhausted, and considering a career change and have always had an interest in stepping into the world of art, but just haven't had the time or energy to push and dedicate myself. Guess I have a lot of that now, huh?

I picked up the course yesterday and I guess this is where I'm going to try to document everything I'm doing!

Welcome to the forums! I look forward to seeing your work!

Hoo boy, okay. I just wrapped up the first assignment for Photoshop for Digital Production and yall, there is some work to be done.

I'm on an iPad Air with Procreate, and the exercise was done with the canvas set to Actual Size and using HB Pencil for 1 and 2, and a combination of Syrup and Brush Pen for 3 to get the taper and opacity correct.

Where do I even begin. I guess I did not realize how much of a crutch turning the canvas, zooming in, and stabilization and smoothness in general was! The lines aren't the worst but a combination of not pressing enough or too much, going too fast or too slow, and lack of wrist control made a fair bit of them go wonky. I did drawabox recently and didn't have nearly as much of an issue, I think I just need to work on my fine motor control and hand-eye dexterity. The same could be said for exercise 2, with the added struggle of stopping at the correct point.

The circles. Oh goodness the circles. Look at that jitter. This is where it really started to click that my finer control was abysmal. I think I also got too into my own head and was just going too slowly, and admittedly a combination of my medication and coffee has left me more jittery than normal. Near the end I realized I think I was going too slowly and not fully processing everything. I hid the layer and tried the exercise again.

Are they all in the lines? Nope! Are the irregular, ovular shaped ones kicking my butt? Oh yeah. The lines are a lot smoother though, a little bit of confidence went a long way.

Not really sure what to say for the final exercise, I do tend to have a heavier hand but I think I did fairly well on it.

This is definitely an assignment I'm going to work on every single day to build up good dexterity.

In the beginning, you need to learn the most. What you may think of as "failure" is simply an opportunity to learn something, and simply keep going. So all I have to say it to keep going.

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