Hey all! I am completely new to drawing, and just have a personal goal to learn how to be an artist. I have read webtoons, manga, and played video games and developed a great admiration for the artists involved. As an office drone, I just want to add a little more color in my life and be a part of the art world. So far I have the pen control assignment done, currently working on learning color balance, also currently working on breaking out of my stiff mindset to just relax and practice drawing in general.

Welcome to the forums Kaylee! I look forward to seeing your progress!

Hello and welcome to the forums :grin: ! Nice work.

I wanted to say ( since you're new to art ) that the longer and larger strokes ( i.e. long straight lines, or larger circles, etc. ) can be best made by moving the whole arm instead of the hand ( while locking your hand and pencil in place -- I know I'm in no real position to teach yet, but I just wanted to take a few minutes from my day and help out ).

I look forward to seeing your future progress, good luck on your Art School journey :smile: !

Welcome Kayla, for someone new to drawing you have really good pen control, keep it up, can't wait to see more from you ^^ 👍

9 days later

Thank you for the tip! I definitely am stiff and am working to loosen up, super hard not to lock up my elbow and wrist, I appreciate the advice!

Latest update, Assignment 2 and 3 for Term 1. For the second assignment, all went well until I got to the girl on the beach, I ended up messing with the tonal corrections so much there it was hard just to try and get it back to the original colors to start over. Anyway, I realized that I had only been messing with levels and color balance and totally forgot about hue and saturation. Once those came into play, I understood how this assignment was actually possible.

For Assignment 3, I felt this was a great exercise in learning some foundational tools in clip studio (such as the different functions of the selection tool and basic properties of layers). For my first time trying to edit photos together, I don't feel I did too bad. Y'all let me know what you think!

Really nice work on these assigments! That beach scene is such a pain! You did a really great job with it.