Hello all, I figured I should stop procrastinating and being an art hermit and make this post already.

I've pretty much always been interested in art, I started creating digital abstract art back in high school to compensate for my lack of drawing skills. I've always been weirdly intimidated by drawing for whatever reason, but I've found Marcs youtube videos extremely helpful so paying slightly less than what I paid for my tablet for artschool seemed like a good deal. I'm currently working on term 3.

Some examples of the abstracts I used to do:

3 point perspective, haven't quite finished painting it yet, don't know if I will, it feels like it lacks enough detail:

Figure drawing/cloth practice that ended up turning into its own thing:

Character bust I finished yesterday:

Proportion and gesture are the bane of my existence right now, but I feel like I've already learned so much from this course, I hope to continue to improve.

Character and gesture are such a pain but your art work is looking great, i especially love the color in your work. keep it up i look forward to learning with you.

I really love how you set up your 3 point perspective assigment, really feels epic! Great work!

Oh man this is awesome I love the energy going on in the figure drawing. Keep up the good work.