I did another painting study from the same ref as the previous painting study I did. I really like the colours they used in the video so I wanted to paint it once more. The head in this reference was a lot more difficult so I guess I have to practice drawing heads in more complex angles more T - T

I'm happy with how the colours turned out but I really wanted to capture the same feel as the previous study for the skin but I wasn't able to do it :''D I thought the skin in that one looked pretty cool but I guess this has its own vibe too.

Here's the process:

11 days later

I took a break from studies to do something fun. I'm really happy with how the colours turned out but er I guess I need to learn how to properly make use of my line art with the right colouring technique. I think the black outline kind of mess with my brain so I can't paint properly lol. I will get back to doing proper studies after this :cry:

I played around with the photoshop filters etc. to get this effect I guess I learned some cool stuff!

Some head proportions studies I did. I'm slowly taking the time to understand things. It's more helpful now, I'm beginning to see what are the mistakes I'm making and understanding the heads I'm seeing better. Now I'm just figuring how to rotate a head around and it's messing with my brain HAHAHA. I guess I'm just used to drawing heads intuitively but when u start wondering what actually changes when the head turns, yeah that's when my brain starts hurting.

Well I'll slowly figure it out somehow. :mask:

Another page of head studies. After doing studies for a while, I'm starting to miss doodling but doodling for me has started to become a sort of fear cause many things can go ugly when I doodle. I think I just need to overcome that and just focus on exploring ideas more instead of doing a perfect drawing. It's probably one of the reasons why I keep holding off from exploring my ideas cause I feel like I'll never be able to do them or I'll fail. I hope I'll eventually learn how to try without fearing to fail. I'll keep working on it T-T

Did some practice sketches. I should think about each drawing process more AND STUDY. You can see the last sketch looks much more controlled because I took the time to think about the process... I NEED TO DO THAT MORE OFTEN instead of randomly hatching = U = hope my brain will do it.

8 days later

I did some head breakdowns. Was in kinda a slump lately... Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed by the many things I'm lacking that I ended up not knowing where to start again. But when this kind of thing happens, the best way I figured to overcome it is to just pick something and simply roll with it, I'll start to know what to do eventually... I just have to keep hammering at it!

And also hey, I think I'm getting better at doing breakdowns, I managed to organise it better too :smiley:

Some more head and eye practices that I did but didn't upload.

I finally took the time to relearn and understand the body more by practicing proportions again. After 3 years of constant gesture drawing and practicing art, I still kept drawing bodies wrong. Now, I'm just really wondering what I am doing wrong so I just decided to go and look back at the basics. This is not my first time copying or studying human proportions so I don't know why is it so weird that only now I start realizing the mistakes I am doing compared to the previous proportions practices that I did.

Technically since 3 years ago till now I've always made the same mistake but the only reason why I notice them now is that I am conscious of these issues?
I guess now I only come to realize what conscious learning is about. In my previous times in studying proportions, I just drew them without questioning how it relates back to my understanding or to the figures I am drawing so no conclusions were made and not much was being learned. At least now, once I started to make comparisons and seek out the answers where my problems are, I can finally understand and fix them :tired_face:

I don't know but it's just kinda frustrating to see how long it took me to come to this realization where I finally start putting more effort into studying efficiently or understanding what studying actually is.

And it only happened when I am desperate. I hope in the future, I won't just want to be better out of desperation cause it really makes me realize how much time could have gone by without me making any difference to my life :persevere: Wanting to improve and asking myself how do I get better ( faster ), I wished I did that more :crying_cat_face:

Well at least, I realized it now T u T It's never too late to turn yourself around I hope.
Now I am just having trouble deciding what to improve on or what to do because I feel like if I focus on one aspect I will neglect the other. In the end, I ended up half-assing the practices I'm doing :skull: This is tough :skull:

If you guys can share any advice or about your own studying methods I'll appreciate it! :bow: :raising_hand:

I'm planning to get back to painting again and start working on more finished pieces. Hopefully this time I will get it done I MUST :confounded:

What you're going through definitely feels relatable and I think a lot of people goes through that step. And it's certainly a bit disheartening to feel like you've ''wasted'' so much time, but all those things you did still helped you built some skills.

For me, realizing my own shortcomings was what motivated me to want to improve. I think it's because we get told to study anatomy and perspective and all that stuff, but I think I never fully really got the whole reason why until I realized my own shortcomings. Once that happened, I started figuring it what I should work on and I also had a reason to do it, which I guess might be was what I was missing. Doing studies and practice makes way more sense when you have a reason or a goal, than just doing it because you think it's what you're supposed to do or what you're told you should be doing. So maybe it was a necessary step to go through in order to help you eventually figure out what you now want to achieve.

Don't know if that made any sense, but you have the rest of your life to improve. And don't be too hard on yourself. Use what you're feeling as a motivation to improve and draw all the cool stuff you want to draw! :thumbsup: :smile:

Hello @cedricgo, thanks for taking the time to write your reply! Yep no worries, it makes sense! It definitely made me feel better about myself :cry:

Yeah, I agree! That's why I kinda feel like those artists who have original characters or projects will see the most growth? Because they always have something to go back to and improve on. While for me straight, in the beginning, I never really had a purpose other than getting better in art :sweat_smile:

Sigh, I keep wishing I can go back and start off on the right foot but alas I can only move on. I will draw my cool stuff one day Tu t

Thanks again for the nice message! and I hope you're doing well! :raised_hands:

You're welcome! I'm glad my words could help you in some way :smile:

And yeah, I think having a project or even just a general vision of what you want your art to have can help since it gives you a goal or direction to focus on.

I wish you all the best for your art journey. I look forward to see how your art will evolve :+1:

And yes, I'm doing well!

29 days later

Wow, I just realised I haven't posted in a while... Just an update, I've been spending a month or so going through How to Draw by Scott Robertson :sweat_smile: I can say that I now understand a lot more about perspective and perspective grids! I don't really have much to post other than practices I did from the book but hopefully soon. I really want to practice drawing motorbikes so I will mostly post those studies soon :eyes:

22 days later

Welp, I don't think I'll be doing those motorbike studies till I'm happy with my human studies. I feel like I'm closer to figuring out how to draw people better :confused: just by trying to memorize and understand the human proportions grid and applying them. It helps me relate back to the drawings I did from photographs :'D and how to build the body from the basic frame. So I'll keep working on that and post my more progress more frequently! After that start practicing perspective and keeping things consistent and then other stuff.

Other useful methods I think helped me:
- Comparing verts and horizontals and seeing how the different body parts relate to each other hmmm
-Organizing the way you study and make sure the practices you do can relate back to back??? It's kinda better than just setting a goal for each practice :/, it helps set up for the bigger picture ( both is good too )

Very nice studies! :+1: