I finally took the time to relearn and understand the body more by practicing proportions again. After 3 years of constant gesture drawing and practicing art, I still kept drawing bodies wrong. Now, I'm just really wondering what I am doing wrong so I just decided to go and look back at the basics. This is not my first time copying or studying human proportions so I don't know why is it so weird that only now I start realizing the mistakes I am doing compared to the previous proportions practices that I did.
Technically since 3 years ago till now I've always made the same mistake but the only reason why I notice them now is that I am conscious of these issues?
I guess now I only come to realize what conscious learning is about. In my previous times in studying proportions, I just drew them without questioning how it relates back to my understanding or to the figures I am drawing so no conclusions were made and not much was being learned. At least now, once I started to make comparisons and seek out the answers where my problems are, I can finally understand and fix them 
I don't know but it's just kinda frustrating to see how long it took me to come to this realization where I finally start putting more effort into studying efficiently or understanding what studying actually is.
And it only happened when I am desperate. I hope in the future, I won't just want to be better out of desperation cause it really makes me realize how much time could have gone by without me making any difference to my life
Wanting to improve and asking myself how do I get better ( faster ), I wished I did that more
Well at least, I realized it now T u T It's never too late to turn yourself around I hope.
Now I am just having trouble deciding what to improve on or what to do because I feel like if I focus on one aspect I will neglect the other. In the end, I ended up half-assing the practices I'm doing
This is tough 
If you guys can share any advice or about your own studying methods I'll appreciate it!

I'm planning to get back to painting again and start working on more finished pieces. Hopefully this time I will get it done I MUST