Day 20
A good day. It's amazing how a day where you feel like things went well, even just well, can turn your perception completely around. For the moment my Artistic Crisis is gone and my confidence has returned. Beyond that, there's not much that I feel needs to be said that can't be said by simply showing.
Now I'm going to prove myself a liar and go ahead and talk at length about this.
It's clearly not finished, and I'm not just talking about the guy on the right. Though I do intend to paint both of them.
I don't do a whole lot of color work and even less color work without starting out in black+white first. But ever since I discovered the videos of Marco Bucci I've been wanting to try out some of the techniques and approaches that he talks about. Apply some of the concepts and mindsets that he explains. And this is the result of what I perceive as a failure to effectively apply those techniques.
Not being all that comfortable working in color from the beginning I was so focused on laying down the colors and didn't think at all about things like texture or value almost until I started laying in the detail. This meant that I ultimately lost a lot of the texture that I was hoping to achieve because I had to repaint over everything.
Even so, I feel really pleased with the results. I feel like I can learn from this and get better. And that means I can't wait to work on the next one.
And thus day 20 comes to a close. More to come.