Day 17
The journey continues, mostly successfully.
Started the day with 30 minutes of gesture drawing. Felt pretty good about things today. The majority of my problems stemmed from the fact that I am trying aspect ratio for my canvas, given that I've started posting these online.
As usual there are some proportional issues, though mostly in the later, longer gestures. Something about having more time almost just means having more time to get in your own head and screw things up. I guess that's the point of gestures when you get right down to it. Don't think, react. Capture the moment as quickly and fluidly as possible and move on.
In truth I'm not even certain I want to share my incremental updates to this piece right now. Not that I'm ashamed of it, far from it. I know it's a long way from perfect but I'm actually quite pleased with the results. It's just that I'm at the point where everything I do to it will only create the tiniest of difference from day to day. Especially since most days I'm only spending about 30 minutes working on it.
However, at this stage I feel like I have a clear path moving forward with this study. I'm going to finish up the eyes (and immediate surrounding areas) and call it a study. I feel like I've learned a lot and the point of doing this was never to copy the original in every detail. Simply to learn what I could in a relatively short span of time. And it's time to move on. So once I finish the area around the eyes it will more than likely be back to doing a different quick study every day.
Once again I didn't find myself with a a lot of time today, but I did manage to sneak in some brush experimentation with this image. Just playing around with different techniques, specifically applying some of the ideas brought up by Marco Bucci. Specifically the idea of painting being a process of imposing, or perhaps designing, order on top of chaos. If you haven't ever seen his YouTube channel I highly recommend you check it out. His videos are some of the most interesting and informative I've ever seen.
This is not really what is intended for this image, it's just an experiment. I wanted to mess around with some of these techniques, but I didn't want to have to create something from scratch in order to do it. So probably the next time you see these they will be very different. Probably.
And that about wraps up day 17. Another one down and time to start all over again.