Day 16
Today was a bit of a struggle. There were so many other demands on my time that I just didn't have much left to draw, but I did what I could with the time I had and this is the result.
Part of my weekly routine is to alternate between gesture drawing and hand studies. Gesture drawing is a natural warm-up and I always find that doing gestures for any decent period of time (a week or more) improves my poses-from-imagination by a significant degree.
But the hands studies are all about improving my understanding (and practical experience) of hand anatomy. Hands, as I'm sure you know, are just a challenge to draw well and when adding the extra complication of drawing them from imagination, well, if you don't really know what you're doing you're going to have a hard time of it.
So I'm trying to get as good as I possibly can. For the most part I'm following David Finch's Dynamic Figure Drawing Vol. 2 - Hands and Feet from the Gnomon Workshop. His technique for breaking down the hand is easily one of the best I've ever encountered and is helping me to understand how this complicated subject works in 3D space.
On top of that I do some studies from photographic reference in an attempt to apply what I'm learning (and copying) by watching the videos.
Didn't have a whole lot of time today and I had to jump straight into working on this demo level paintover.
I constantly struggle with the idea of sharing this because I'm so self-conscious about it. It's so rough, so sketchy, so unfinished, and the fact of the matter is that it will never be finished. That is not the point of the image. It's never going to be something that I will take and polish up and design in detail, it's always going to be a sketchy mess.
That makes me want to hide it away from the world.
But it's also not entirely true. This is a sketch. Its purpose is to be a sketch. The final render will be in game and it will be polished and fully designed. That's what I'm working toward and that's what I have to remember. Both for my own sanity, and for the benefit of the project as a whole.
So that's day 16 all wrapped up. Hopefully I'll find time to do more drawing tomorrow, but I'm looking at my calendar and it doesn't seem likely...but I'll do what I can.