Thank you very much for the feedback! I have had quite some difficulty learning the head construction. Thank you for pointing out these issues. Truthfully I am not sure why a few of the heads are upside down lol, I probably had the canvas rotated and didn't think about it.
Thank you for pointing out that the front facing center line should be just a line and not an ellipse that makes sense! Cutting off the sides definitely makes sense now!
Thank you for letting me know about the hair line and nose ellipses when tilted. I thought I was curving them but now I realize I was not curving them enough. This will help me considerably as I continued to have the same issue this week.
Thanks you for pointing out that the center line is not quite right on the 3/4 views. I think I have a better understanding of that aspect now. What do you think about the last page? Do you think those center lines are more accurate?
For the cylinders and construction practice thanks so much for the advice! I will curve them more to convey that information better. I have been trying to get a good handle on this as I want to draw a giant serpent in my 3pt perspective assignment.
I appreciate the time you took to let me know the issues with my work and thank you so much!