Hello! I'm Lola and I just started the Art School this week. I'm 25 years old and work in marketing. My goals are just to make art I love, get my fundamentals down, and see what happens. I usually draw in procreate and traditionally but decided having a tablet would help my hand eye coordination. This is my journey! Please reach out if you'd like - especially POC!

(Also I use Krita currently so sometimes things look a lil different cause of that)
*Edit: Bought ClipStudioPaint to continue the course.

There are 67 replies with an estimated read time of 8 minutes.

Assignment 1 - Digital Pen Control

I really needed this. I don't think even I knew how much I needed this haha! Got too used to Procreate. A huge reminder to continue drawabox with my free time.

Welcome! I also found the lines and circles such a useful exercise. would never have thought of it on my own :smiley:

Howdy ho! Welcome to the forums. Can't wait to see more of your stuff :smile:

Hey there, welcome aboard

For smoother lines and curves, try using your shoulder instead of your wrist or elbow, ghost a bit (try doing the motion in the air) and when you are confident commit to the line and go for smooth and steady pace


Term 1 - Assignment 2

The last one was SO rough for me lol! Especially in Krita after watching him in Photoshop. God bless Google and Reddit lol.

Yes. I was trying to use my prior "Draw a Box" methodology for drawing the lines but something about drawing on the tablet is just throwing me off. Definitely will start warming up with a few of these assignments.

Nice job with the colors, that last one was tough XD
Gotcha on the tablet thing, those standard graphics tablets seem difficult to get the hang of at first

Term 1 - Assignment 3 - Combining Images

This one made me laugh out loud at how bad I was at it. I added the house all the way in the back cause it was the only place that would work and turns out my images were rEALLY bad quality but I just was not thrilled with this assignment haha.

1 month later

Term 1 - Assignments 4 - Selections/Liquify/Heal/Stamp

I have pushed off these "Photoshop" lessons so badly because I literally really really really did not want to do them. I don't have photoshop and just got Clip Studio Paint and I've never been more frustrated trying to figure out how to do these with a different program. Like almost in tears haha! Some of what he was doing literally does not even exist in Clip Studio so half of these assignments I spent googling for answers. But I did them to the best of my ability while keeping some sanity (not amazing).

I just really didn't want to skip it while really wanting to skip it lol! Here they are.

18 days later

Term 1 - Nude Figure Drawing - Daily Practice 1-4
Honestly, not sure if I can keep up with these daily exercises! They took me so long! Like 3hrs. Not because it's a hard concept but because I'm just not great with straight lines and placing my circles/squares properly due to apparent discomfort with my tablet lol.

I think I'm gonna have to downgrade to just doing one of the "cylinder" figures a day otherwise I won't progress. :frowning:

Lol also I've always hated doing the 8-head practice so I already know I'm in for a lot of "doing the same thing" practice so may as well move on to that while building my understanding of volumes.