Hello!! Hope all you're all doing well!!
I am currently halfway through my process of these two pieces, but am unsure about how to proceed. The underwater aquarium seems oddly strange in perspective and the treetop seems lacking in content. What will be my next steps and how could I achieve it (ex, texturing, degree of details, what to specifically study)

Thank you so much!

i really love the composition of the first one and I have a suggestion that might fix the perspective. for the body of the creature, maybe make it slowly fade into the body of water a bit more drastically. and as for the human subject, i feel like the angle that he/she is looking is just to the right of the creature. ill try and visualize what i mean with a little photoshop editing. this is pretty opinion based but hopefully it helped a little :smile:

I think the sea creature needs eyes, especially if the figures are meant to be looking at each other. I don't know if those three round bits are meant to be eyes, they are in a strange place if they are and look more like gills to me. The glass of the tank should also carry reflections.

As for the second piece, the branch looks too straight and artificial, especially growing out at a right angle from the trunk, and the women seem oddly crammed together.

Good points!! Thanks for the feedback! May I ask how I can make the glass reflect? Im assuming with the glow from the creatures eyes will also be reflected yellow on the glass but im in scared of the glow covering the creatures "face."

Real glass usually has a slight tint the closer it gets to the edge, so in my opinion with such a giant glass pane, you could safely add a different color vignette where the glass exits the painting and byt that also get a slightly more perspectivy feel, without obscuring any important part of the piece. Also a very slight reflection of the character and maybe some small highlights reflecting a light source in the building(?) <- that last one is just a random idea though :wink: But already the piece looks great to me <3

Well I was thinking more the figure would have a reflection, as the light from the room he/she is in would bounce off the glass. The creature probably wouldn't generate much reflection as there wouldn't be massive amounts of light coming from inside the dark tank. (looking closer, what's making that strong shadow at the figures feet?) Research is the key here, do an image search for light through glass and sealife tanks.