Hi everyone, my name is Luan and I'm a brazilian living in Portugal, I bought Marc's course yesterday and today I'm starting the Term 1.

I'm very excited for this journey because I've been studying all by myself, reading some books and watching some videos on YouTube but I always felt I needed a guide, and a very well structed line of studies.

I hope that by the end of the course I'll be capable of taking comissions and have a very solid portfolio.

Here are some of my work before the Art School:

So, today I finished the Photoshop for Digital Prod exercises! :relaxed:

I feel I didn't quite replicated the brushes in exercise number 4, I don't know why but I think my drawing tablet does not have many pressure levels so I couldn't do it 100%

Here I struggled a bit with the last image and I don't think it's a great result but it's okay for now

For my imaginary castle I did something quick, since I already worked as a graphic designer I didn't want to spend much time here

Just finished the skeleton over photo references exercise, later or tomorrow I'll do the next one :smile:

Here it is my skeleton exercise based on photos! Found this one a little hard xD

Today I did the male-female proportions exercise, the first one I did while watching Marc's class, following step by step. The second one I did by myself.

Is there any Mortal Kombat fans here? xD Li Mei is in the new movie so I did a fanart of hers! Critics are appreciated :))