Your work looks really nice! But I would say that you seem afraid to add some darker values. I feel like you lack some depth with your rendering, maybe try to add very dark values in the beginning, because i don't see any! I'm not saying take it to black, i know you want your pieces to have some kind of a softer look, which works great, but some more depth would be nice too! I love,love,love the flower warrior designs, from a design standpoint these are great, with good balance (i have lots of problems with this). Also I noticed that le leaves at her back have a very crisp outline, but at the arms and shoes it seems to get wonky, try to just take an erase and really crisp up that outline! The biggest problem i have are the poor breasts, looks a little flat, as if they were sad . I guess you wanted to go for some smaller breasts, which is fine, but they'd still be pushed up a little at this point, due to the armor being very tight. But these are all actually very minor problems that could be fixed very fast, the overall character looks awesome, the male one too, but maybe, as you're still working on him, try to add some darker values now, to incorporate it directly.
Again, I'm no expert, just some thoughts