Hi there, this is really good! I don't think there's much I can add to this and neither should you take my word as god but I think there may be a few bits that stand out to me.
The first is I feel like the Trapezius muscle is looking pretty hench in proportion to the rest. This may be down to the head being too high or the shoulders not being high enough (making the clavicles too low aswell). I feel like the head is the main culprit there though).
Secondly there are a few lines which are too strong. The hip lines near the private parts are nice and strong up top but you may wanna soften them further down. The top of the Pecks might want to be softened also (gradient from soft top to hard bottom lines).
The last is the spine. It just looks a little bit too straight? maybe if you could soften parts of the line completely to resemble that curvature and add some definition to a few bits where the spine disks would poke out a bit. Might be worth a try?
I may be wrong about this but it may seem like you're trying to put super macho muscles onto a guy with a healthy physique - this is more directed at the torso area - however everyone has a different body type and that may be what you're going for or maybe even your ref is like that. For that reason I don't wanna mention that as a bad thing, just saying it in case it helps :smile:
Anyway sorry for the long winded critique, I hope it helps. I am a 2D artist though and not a 3D modeler so you may just wanna cross check my stuff before taking my word for it. Otherwise nice stuff! Everything else looks great and on point! :smile:

Overall you have the jist of it, but there's a few minor issues with nearly each muscle group which keep it from looking naturalized.

Whenever you sculpt an anatomy study, you need to be mindful of the boney landmarks.
The Acromion Process is a rectangular landmark you will see on the surface of any build regardless of fat muscular or skinny.

The Acromion is where the several surrounding muscles insert (Trapezius) or originate (Deltoid). Currently the acromion looks both mis-placed, and the trapezius is covering too much of it.

Not gonna go too much in depth with the pectorals (But seeing as you've made striations to show the 3 heads of the deltoid):

The way a pectoral is formed, is there are 3 parts to it:

Clavicular head of the Pectoral (Attaches to the Clavicle)
Sternal (Attaches to the Sternum)
Costal (attaches to the Costal cartilege)

All of these 'heads' of the pectoral attach to the of the Humerus. But the Costal head of the Pectoral attaches to a higher part of the Humerus, the Sternal goes to the more middle, and the Clavicular overlaps them, and attaches to a lower part of the humerus:

The sternum is actually 2-bones at childhood. The top part is the menubrium (which fuses to the sternum when you're 5).

This location has a notable divot, and forms a very noticable striation.

Most of your muscles seem to be 'surface correct' but maybe needs a bit more focus on the skeletal structure.

Wonderful! Thank you both for the critiques. I definitely agree that the overall structure seems present but it much lacking the minor details that would make it look natural.

I will take a better look at the various landmarks.

The back is definitely giving me some trouble. Everything seems too flat and I cant seem to capture the plane changes.

Hey Tanner, it looks like i'm a little late to the party haha. This isn't quite my place either though I just wanted to say keep up the great work. I'm looking into learning 3D Modeling when I have a computer that can actual run maya and such. Great stuff keep creating!