Day 4,
The reference:

stickman, this time without drawing OVER the reference, but drawing BASED on the reference, basically i didnt draw over but on the side of the reference.

Drawing cylinders over the reference

Drawing based on the reference starting with a simple gesture:

Thats it for today, I wish y'all a wonderful day ^^

Day 5
The reference:

Stickman ish gestury figures:

Cylinder ex:

And, lastly the drawing next to the reference ex. tomorrow I'm gonna focus on actually doing gesture drawings lol

Day 11

20x 30second Gesture Drawings;

Day 14? 15 maybe
8x 2min gesture drawings

Yeah, consistency.. I kinda, fell in that all too familiar art slump, I just didnt feel like drawing :confused:
I'm kind of out of it now? Maybe, I'm not sure, today i drew a little bit, i continued working on a little short comic and well, I did 8 gesture drawings...
I know thats not much, I won't progress fast if I keep up this slow and inconsistent pace, but sometimes you just, dont feel like doing anything.
I'll try updating more frequently, doing more exercises and not just gesture drawing, until then, i wish you all a wonderful day or night :smile:

Hey man, I know exactly what you mean by feeling like not doing anything, I had it all the time when I didn't woke up every single day on a specific time just so I can draw and keep the grind going.
These all look very good, you're definitely progressing keep that in mind and remember that you're still learning, even when going slow, giving up all together is far worse.
Keep the flow going, I know you can do it, maybe doing a strong routine each day for a couple of weeks will help, after those weeks you will want to draw every time you have spare time, it's all about getting into the habit of drawing everyday ;D Wish you a happy day or night

well even if you practiced a little that still practice like Luke said above its about building that habit up daily so it doesn't seem to daunting to practice or draw something every day. If it helps just focus on drawing something small or practicing a small bit because at the end of the day what matters is that you showed up to practice or draw and of course you won't progress as fast as you would have if you practice a lot every day, but those days that you consistently do it no matter how small still add up to you improving so you got this!

Thanks guys, I'm trying rn to get back into that daily habit, even if its just a 10 min doodle or something, just holding the pen and drawing, I think I got into that slump because I put too much on my plate, drawings that I'm still not capable of realizing xD I also didnt have that practice/personal project balance, so that took me down too. I just, yeah, approached big goals in a stupid way. :sweat_smile:

the personal work/practice balance is a big one for me as well. I try to fit in at least 2 hours during the week every day to do personal work since most of my time is spent practicing.

Yeah, that really is important, if not you'll burn out quicker :confused:

Day 16 i think
Hi, today was actually a pretty good day for me, in rl and drawing,
I did;
25 x 30sec gesture drawing

5 x 2min gesture drawing, this time i focused on exaggeration, thats really hard tbh, you first have to observe the figure and figure out how and where to exaggerate it, and once that's done half of the time is already up ._.

I'm still trying to get used to exaggerating gesture, but it looks good.

Heyyy, i think its day 19?
Welp anyway i didnt update for a few days again..bruh xD
I still continued doing my gesture exercises and working on my personal projects.
About a day ago the Arcane act 3 trailer came around and i just had to draw something for it,
so i started doing a couple of Vi doodles(scenes shown in the trailer)

they turned out quite good, so that made me happy,
another thing that happend that quite honestly sucks is that today i was diagnosed with scoliosis, i still dont know how sever it is, so i hope its just a mild case that wont influence my life any further. Anyway, thats all i got for today, have a wonderful night or day :smile:

Very nice doodle, I also hope it doesn't affect what you do too much as well, but still take care of yourself though

Day 20
Todays warm up session:

I think i became a little bit stiff, and maybe my lines are too scratchy? idk
annnd 2 min poses, some of them were really difficult, i also began to add form lines again, and its really tricky to find a balance between too much and too little, idk xD

Thats it for today i guess, have a good night/day everyone :smile:

I won't be updating daily anymore because a) I will 100% forget to sometimes and b) i don't want to spam xD.
Sooo, day idk, 25?
I haven't done any gestures today, but I did do a little Portrait so I'm just gonna share that :smile:

This is just the jpeg because the png is too heavy, sorry :c

Spam away if you want it not a problem, and the portrait turned out awesome love how Vi
really sticks out from the background