Thank you all for the warm welcome :heart:
It's definitely motivating to share the journey and also see the exercises and the progress of others :heart:

Term 1, Week 1 Finished

I've decided to do at least one short full-body drawing each week, to have a better feeling for the progress over time. I'm also doing those in Procreate for now, which is a software I almost never use, so I'm challenging two topics at once :sweat_smile:

So here is the first fullbody mini painting (about 30 minutes). There are many flaws and I could've spent more time on it, but I think I will try to limit those to 1 hour so I have a realistic way of comparing those paintings to each other in the end.

I also watched the Term 1 Nude Figure Drawing video again, so now I understand a little bit better how to build up the skeletons. So I hope the next exercises will look more consistent :smile: (especially with those joints)

Thanks again to everyone stopping by! Makes me really happy that I finally decided to join this course :blush:

3 months later

It's been a while, life happened, like it does from time to time. I kept thinking about the course and how much I want to continue doing it. I don't know how much I'll be able to do in the next few months, but it always motivates me to share/track my progress. To have a place to come back to :smile:

I did some pencil gestures from time to time to not lose the flow completely. I'm still in a rough space when it comes to my art. I actually started to work on my next visual novel, it challenges me all the time and I realize how much I forget when I'm not actively drawing and doing studies. It's pretty bad right now, I keep procrastinating because I'm too afraid to draw ^^,, so I thought that this might help me to get back on track.

Hope you're all doing well <3

Some studies from Week 2, and a small portrait study I did some days ago

Oh this looks really good! Nice colors and shapes!

oh yea i totes get that from time to time.. i think the thing that leads me to go back is i love my characters too much XD i wanna see them again.

i find that its helpful when working on a fancy drawing to say "hey if this doesnt work out, no one has to see it XD"

ooh!! congrats! can't wait to see it if you end up posting it here!

That portrait has such a cool aesthetic to it, really good job!

i know that feeling a bit too well lol

That portrait is pretty good! the style is very unique. You could probably start doing commissions doing portraits like that, and ear some money on the side from time to time.

thank you!! 💕I think I should really do those from time to time. I tried a totally different approach this time but it kinda worked for me :smile:

I feel that, I miss them too but at the same time it's just so hard to get them the way I want them to look like, oh well xD
thank you for your interest, it honestly makes me so happy :smile: I'm going to post some wip pages in the next post, it's all in the sketching phase right now but that's all part of the process I know ^^,

it honestly helps to know that other artists are weird like that |D I'm also quite aware that I will not get better when I procrastinate drawing but it's just so hard sometimes ^^,,

thank you so much that means a lot! I tried doing commissions in the past but it never really worked out that well and right now I want to concentrate on getting better and more consistent. I think that would be my biggest fear right now, that I have those 'hits' but many 'misses' and then I'm never sure if I'm actually able to deliver what a client might expect ^^,, but I hope that I will get there some day! :blush:

thank ya'll for welcoming me back! It motivates me to continue with the course and with drawing in general <3

Term 1 - Week 2 + Recent Comic Page Sketches

So I'm done with week 2, I won't do the photoshop combining assignments, I want to concentrate on the structural things and refining my technique. I've been a bit lazy with the pen control study today but I've seen some improvement. I honestly want to move on to some other exercises, the break was long and I want to learn new stuff xD I also crave doing some gestures, I'm ready for those! :heart:

With the comic I'm having a really hard time with poses in general. I don't always find the right references for everything, of course, I'm taking photos whenever I can, but translating it to the drawing is not that easy for me. I also struggle with stylized faces right now. The characters look too young sometimes or the faces are kinda 'floaty' which is an old problem of mine. I did study construction in the past but I definitely need some refreshers there.

I haven't decided yet if I want to make the lines very clean or kind of pencil-like for the final page, I think things will clear themselves in the process. I'm going to change a lot for the last page and also I'm not happy with the sitting pose of the first page. But at some point I have to continue, otherwise this project will not be finished ever ^^,
Eventually, I want to be able to post a finished page per week online, but I want to have some pages in store for that.

So that's it for now, quite a long ranty post ^^,, Hope to post again tomorrow or in a few days, have a great week and thanks for reading 💕

noice! i really like the lighting!

the comic looks quite pretty thus far!

3 months later

Some studies from Term 1 - Week 3

Pen exercises and 30s gestures

Hi Hi, I'm kinda back again. Work, life, everything kinda got in the way, like always. Right now I'm afraid that I'm not able to do the weekly plans according to the pdf. I'm going to take some artistic freedom with them ^^,,
I want to do at least 1-3h studies on the weekend, don't know how realistic this is for the future, but I'll try :smile:
I'm also still working on my comic project, this takes a lot of time, one page takes me around 7-10 hours. The panels are very big in the beginning, it almost feels like working on illustrations. But it matches the mood I'm going for.

So on the one hand I'm glad that I'm drawing again, on the other I really need some time to do more studies. I'm very curious to see where my artistic journey is going to take me this year :smile:

Ohh I love the mood and colors! It's just so pleasant to look at