Totally. Still, I wanted to hoard ideas and see if one worked for me too, so many thanks =p
Oh, I like to use the times to stand up to do chores. Lately I've done them in big chunks of time and I get tired. I'll try that.

Thanks!! Yes, I loved to play with Ps years ago, so I wanted to try the exercises now with Clip, I really missed having the magnetic lasso. I never met the healing(?) stamp, it sounds really like magic.. what the, photoshop, how much have you grown??? xD

Term 1, week 2 - Figure drawing [3]
I liked making the stick figures too much, I'll suffer when have to draw the whole body again xD They look cute!
Now to eat and then see if Mr. Pen wants to work again and try today's pen pressure exercise. [it stopped just before it].

i used to draw stick figures doing all sorts of silly things XD u can draw both! :smiley:

No, no.. now I'm required to only have prehistoric art on my walls. Better and better in gesture and leave it to it!!! [<33]

[I'm not sure I drew many stick figures... I remember I tried some weird alien/elf things and they were very slim, but then my drawings were really, really static, so I can tell I never took them very well xD]

Edit: I posted firstly to say how hard still was to try the deliberate observation and I totally forgot to add it to this.

I think I'm going well with the excersises, a little faster maybe -- but damn circles. Why circles exist xD I've been glaring at cilinders too though.

Term 1, week 3 - Pen control & Gesture drawing
The first pen control and today's gesture.
Gestures also fight me. I did upload it now because I felt them more readable today.

Thankkkss- - Now if only I'm able to replicate it xD

edit: the results*

8 days later

These weeks have been super busy, so I've mostly done exercises, even if I feel faster though.. Only 2 drawings apart of it. How it goes for you?

Term 1, week 3 - Character study (5)
Explainded in case someone also struggles knowing what to do as I did xD :
I tried marking head and stick figure, and general outines -in different degrees- over the art. Then I tried making the figure and grid over the art, draw over the marks, then compare diferences between grid and mark lines on the reference to see where goes the real line.

I'm pretty happy with them, but I really, really liked the results for the gridded studies. I was able to notice much more or faster the curves than I hadn't realized made me like the like some details.
So, in case I'd want to emulate them, I know now I can study them like this.

I wish to have 2 screens, because my arm ended hurting when I got too close to being able to see the differences. Remember stretching, take rests! [I'm ok !!]

Now I'll let my arm rest a little more and focus in rewatching the videos for now.
I hope you had a good week there -- byes

And, if anyone wants to check the art
1. Honghong-er, Heaven Official's Blessing's fanart.
2. Elementalist Viera, Final Fantasy Tactics advance's official art.
3. Wei Wuxian, Modao Zushi's official art.
4. Ryuu, Akagami no Shirayuki-hime's chapter 115 cover.
5. Past Tomoe, Kamisama Hajimemashita -- no idea the chapter--

7 months later

Hi, there. Sorry for going MIA for so long [it's really, not that long.. but I had just started here, so in %s...], I have a serious question in case anyone can help me with it.
I had a few awful months here and lost the track I was in for this course, then I finally at least felt well enough to try drawing but I had a project to finish and poured all my energy there. I did finish it in January, and I was very proud for it!, but decided to use February to rest from art too. Now it's bakto'scool time and I want to resume this course too. I feel super awful with myself and feel I betrayed other people here even if just a couple even knew about me doing this.

My question is: any of you have any advise of how to face the course? Should I start all from 0 like never started, warm up with the exercises I made until now, take from where I left?
I know it's a personal thing, but I struggle too much with personal decisions, I wish to see if someone has ideas, having or not passed by the same. In case it helps someone to poke me, my idiot brain is like this:
- I struggle with inspiration and motivation, I usually do better when working for someone's request.
- When I get inspired I can work lots-- a day or two moody, sick or forced to make another thing and I will completely forget what I was doing and even less remember I was motivated to work [in general, not just art]
- I try to get track of what I do, lists, Habitica, a dairy sometimes - I forget about them too even if I like them.
- I do get bored repeating the same things, and that scares me to start from 0.. but I want the order of it too.
- I know we use references for a data library and create new things, but I feel I have 0 creativity unless prompted [hopefully, a whole book of descriptions for it] --/then/ I can use the references. [ex. some challenges don't work for me cos to broad.. like.. "cats"? sure, what about cats, which cat, what feeling for them???]
- My better time drawing was when I had a daily doodle made without much care for anything [very difficult!] in a tiny paper, by around 10 minutes [I tried to make it twice, to not forget, like duolingo really xD]. It was themed as happy domestic life of a couple and dog, and living with my partner then helped to fill the idea gaps. I stopped because someone kept me asking for months to improve my paper, even after telling them I was using it to not feel pressure... I just broke down at some moment.

I really hope someone can check this and poke me, I'm very ashamed I'm not that good in moving by my own, I know I'm very ...outsiders pressuring me motivated.. sorry.
I hope everyone there a good day anyway. Be goodwell!


Hi Baph, great work so far!
Don't be too hard on yourself when life (or yourself :wink:) gets in the way of your progress here. That happens sometimes.
It may take a little while to get yourself into the right drawing-vibe again, but you'll be back at this at no time.

I was absent for over a year, mostly due to work and changing jobs.. I did watch all the videos of Art school, but didn't draw myself. Now I'm totally motivated again!
Art school is a big course. I make sure to do something every week, even if it's small. I'm a very slow worker and this definitely will take me a long time, but there's a reason I bought the course. I guess for you as well.

I hope you find something that will keep you going, at your own pace. Be kind to yourself and most of all, have fun with it!

Hi Baph!

I see you are ...outsiders pressuring me motivated.. Well, how's this for motivation?


Don't stress it. Life gets in the way sometimes. I've been drawing for as long as I can remember and there have been times when I simply didn't feel like drawing. It happens. It will happen. It's always going to happen. So don't stress it.

As for the course, you should have a file called ART School - Weekly Study Companion Guide.pdf which has a list of things you can check off as you complete them and keep track of where you are. It looks like this:

Check your files. It' should be with the introductory stuff along with the video Welcome to ART School - Watch this first!.mp4 and ART School - Join the community.pdf.

  • I struggle with inspiration and motivation, I usually do better when working for someone's request.

I'm the same way. I can draw all day if someone gives me a topic, but when it comes to drawing for myself by brain is like, "Let's draw this! NO! Let's draw this! NO!! LET'S DRAW THIS!!!"

There are some great subject generators for artists on the Internet that could be useful, like this one that gives you random subjects or themes to draw.

And something I like to do when it comes to motivation is to find something that another artist is doing that I've never seen before and try to do what they do. For example, there are two artists I've recently discovered, Derek Dominic Dsouza and Philip Sue Art, who do amazing work, and the simplicity of how they do it amazes me. Here I am, trying to be all detailed, and they throw things together using simple shapes and tools.

Anyway, I hope you find your motivation to draw again. If not, don't stress it. It will happen when it happens. Heck, you might be asleep then wake up in the middle of the night with a sudden urge to draw. So, there it is. Poke. 😉

Life always fights us! I'm feeling like I'm getting drawing vibes again, so I'm ... hopeful?

I can imagine that changes your switch. Let's go back to it!!!
Mmmh I think I'll try to resume some of the exercises even if resume the classes "later", to have it as you with something for every week [even if brain is not so here just yet xD].

Thank you again, and likewise!! ////


HAhah -- Exactly the impulse I need to change the momentum xD
Yeah, same here - but this time is one I want to draw and don't see how. -- But the punch get me started at least with stretching exercises for the hands.

I have the guide printed out, but seems I'll have to check again the first videos because I totally forgot about them. [only remembered the points for assigments!!]

WAh, the struggle. After posting this I've been listing /everything/ I need to do and would forget [take x food from fridge, clean y thing, watch z video, --reply the replies here] and I think it could really help me if I get a brain like yours there with multiple ideas sometimes that don't let you work in anything. Not sure if you've tried and how it works for you? I'm trying to remember to apply it!

God, thanks for it. I've tried multiple generators but a bunch are pretty bad and many are full of ads, and lose faith in them.

I'm not sure how to approach about other artists, but I'll check both artitst you said to see what can I get from them. Thank you again.

shakes fist to midnight inspiration noooo, sleeppp.
Poke has been received u.u