There's a lot I can help out with and most likely they would be video based but...
What you should do is give us a photo or artist or artstyle you want to'll be easier to help out with
for instance I learned to draw from manga. Manga has so much line art, perspective, poses ect. in one book and it's could potentially be from your favorite artist......
I learned to draw by studying manga from the manga NEGIMA by Ken Akamatsu
So I had a goal to be as good as him.....and while I was learning from the comics I was looking at other artists....maybe I like how tetsuya nomura does eyes, or how Anthony jones paints form and light or how Tobias Kwan paints arms....but I had images and I knew what I wanted to achieve
While I was at my beginning stages of learning I didn't stop to learn anatomy or color ect.
I really didn't worry for that...all I worried about was the "art of drawing"
So if you can potentially show me what you want to accomplish it'll be easier to help out with
Nice drawing. If you want a serious jump start into being a better artist. Follow Noah Bradley and do one of his online art camps. It can get your momentum going.
If you want to give your manga based artstyle a semi-realistic twist, then try to create some realistic looking drawings, you can just choose some nice pictures from google and try to draw them as close as you can, do that with at least 10, then go back and do one of your manga style draws and you will be amazed of the improvement.
The thing is too many people start with manga because is really easy to get a nice finish that regular people will wow at it, but the manga artists start from art schools where they learn to do realistic art, and from that realistic they abstract it into manga, but at the core there are the basics from traditional art.
So go back do some traditional art, real life based and then apply your knowledge to your manga art style.
Overall nice sketches the anatomy stuff has been mentioned and more life drawing helps everyone at all levels. The latest sketch is looking nice critwise I would add these points.
The iris's seem to be different sizes and your pupils are more of a oval than a circle. ( if your going for cat eyes look at reference to sort the pupils.)
You have nice line weight variation in the face but unlike your previous drawing you haven't transitioned this into the hair and jacket which is a shame. Line weight helps define form.
If you are looking at a more realistic style then yeah do sketches going for realism then slowly reduce the detail. Experiment with how much you can simplify the realistic drawings. That should help your knowledge of what is needed to nail a persons likeness and get down what you feel is the key information you want to keep.
How you want to learn is completely up to you. We are just making suggestions to help with maturing you as a artist. The reason I suggested learning and practising realism then experiment with removing detail is to find what it is you feel is needed for an image as an individual. This is because the essence of semi realistic is realism simplified.
There is a base principle that if you wanted to create character with stylised proportions you have to know how real anatomy and proportions work to cement your creation in reality making them believable. This is the same . I'm not saying don't draw your own style and only draw realistic. Keep drawing, keep creating but add in realistic drawings into your study sessions and you should have study sessions.
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