Thanks. Funny enough that you said that. I actually have a unfinished sketch for a spaceship somewhere because when I first did this exercise (before joining the artschool program) I too got these space vibes and wanted to draw them so badly
I'll try and work on it so I can atleast share a finished sketch ^^.
And here we have todays "cubes" in perspective. I did a sheet of normal cubes in 2-point-perspectives yesterday and today i got kinda tired of only drawing cubes so I switched things up a bit by drawing cubes first and then adding/substracting some forms to make them more interesting (while trying my best to keep them in perspective). Take a guess what each form represents as i have no clue . Was fun though!
Thanks . I'll gladly share the guidelines too. Unfortunately, I had to take a picture with my phone (please excuse the bad quality) since the vanishing lines are auto generated by the program and I don't know how to save them (when I save as a Jpeg they get auto-deleted). I hope this still helps you!
Actually I can't belive that I took a picture with my phone like a cave-man xD. Here, have some screenshots. As you can see, the vanishing points are quite far off (image two). Also, I really did not use the existing lines. As you can see in Image one, krita auto generates the perspective lines around your cursor (highlighted in red). Drawing in perspective gets really easy this way.