Thank you both for your help @grant_sauer @patrycja.lerch! Much appreciated!
The lighter values are actually there, atleast as its displayed at my screen. I checked my color correction settings again and it actually switched to a different profile. Not sure if thats the cause, but I changed it back and we'll see.
Also thanks for posting the video! I've seen it before but decided to rewatch it and oh boy :smiley:. It somehow never crossed my mind that i could actually lower the opacity for blending. Duh. It made such a difference :smile:. You'll see it tomorrow. Thanks again!

In the meantime, I finally finished the one-point perspective assignment. Drawing things in perspective aligned with the perspective lines is relatively simple by now. However I cant figure out how to draw things in correct perspective that are aligned at an angle to the perspective llines (eg the chair at the back). How do you guys do it? Do you crate another vanishing point? Do you just wing it?

Also here is my reference photo. My goal was to give it a 19th/20th century vibe. Like the home of a noble adventurer, a member of the Travellers club.

Woooh that crazy, I think you are ready to draw some cool castles

16 days later

Alright everybody, thanks for waiting :smile:.
I finished the two point perspective assignment today. Long, long after I originally planned. The idea i ultimately went for was a pirate city, but they've given up on sailing and transformed their ships into buildings. Also the POV is from a boat driving around in one of the many canals. (which, now that i mention it, I might have added :smile:). Aaaaaaanyway, have fun exploring!

Also am I just making these pieces too big? The study guides says to finish them in a week, but I have like 0 chance of that happening at the moment. Am I just slow? Did more speed come naturally for you guys or did you train for it?

Personally speaking, i'm terrible slow at drawing, i try to not complicate the studies so i can finish them in a reasonable time... and fail at it everytime lol

Honestly, I find it best to scale these sorts of projects down and take baby steps. As a beginning artist, It can be easy to bite off more than you can chew and burn yourself out. Remember: art is not a race. When you're building a house, it takes time to lay a firm foundation, learning the art fundamentals is the same.

That's a really nice study! Good use of different line weight to break up the elements.

^^ I agree with this. You're doing great work, but careful about putting too much on your plate. Otherwise its easy to burn out.

This looks amazing! the level of detail is astounding!

IMO depends on what your goal is, if you're chill and not in a rush, you can make them as big as you want :smile:

well the guide is just that, a guide, imo you dont have to follow it exact, it just provides a good structure for those that need it.

and ur not slow that would have taken me weeks if not months to draw lol

it comes thru practice. trying to speed up kind of doesnt work XD at least for me it didnt

Thanks everyone for your feedback!
I finnally arrived in term 2 and wanted to share the frst assignmetn with you :smile:. I think the title speaks for itself ^^. I tried to make the "Mechs" look like metal (my inspirations/reference was the cars logo) but imo, it kinda falls short. Does anybody of you ever tried to achieve metal via layer styles?

Metal is usually shiny(?) and has wider value range. It has very bright spots so you can put some highlights. Some darker areas too

Mechs and Magic sounds nice

Thanks. I'll try it again after I finish my robot design :smile:

Sooooo I finished the design for the robot :smile:. I kinda like how the eye turned out, though I was using reference on that one. The basic idea behind it was t make a flying type of character, like the little monsters on the assignment sheet, but as a robot. You be the judges :smile:. Also I found a solution/workaround for my title which ill be sharing tomorrow.

Looks pretty good, the 3D effect is there for sure.

Just me but I don't mind too much about how fast/slow I'm drawing UNLESS it's affecting my line quality. i feel I'm drawing too fast for my brain to reprocess and think so I need to force myself to slow down.

Unless it's an art comm, you shouldn't worry too much about how much time spent

Thanks for all of your feedback! really appreciated! I changed the title to Mechs vs Magic which sounds better imo and hints at what awaits you :smile:.
@Gordon003 i tried to incorporate as much as I could. I decided to redo his flying devices again and opted for a, albeit very stylized, engine look. I do think it makes more clear what I had in mind. Thank you!
@patrycja.lerch I redid the value and color sceme on my fonts and are much happier with it now. I also incorporated the new colors in the robot design to make it match and it kinda makes him pop a bit more. Thank you!