This looks amazing! the level of detail is astounding!

IMO depends on what your goal is, if you're chill and not in a rush, you can make them as big as you want :smile:

well the guide is just that, a guide, imo you dont have to follow it exact, it just provides a good structure for those that need it.

and ur not slow that would have taken me weeks if not months to draw lol

it comes thru practice. trying to speed up kind of doesnt work XD at least for me it didnt

Thanks everyone for your feedback!
I finnally arrived in term 2 and wanted to share the frst assignmetn with you :smile:. I think the title speaks for itself ^^. I tried to make the "Mechs" look like metal (my inspirations/reference was the cars logo) but imo, it kinda falls short. Does anybody of you ever tried to achieve metal via layer styles?

Metal is usually shiny(?) and has wider value range. It has very bright spots so you can put some highlights. Some darker areas too

Mechs and Magic sounds nice

Thanks. I'll try it again after I finish my robot design :smile:

Sooooo I finished the design for the robot :smile:. I kinda like how the eye turned out, though I was using reference on that one. The basic idea behind it was t make a flying type of character, like the little monsters on the assignment sheet, but as a robot. You be the judges :smile:. Also I found a solution/workaround for my title which ill be sharing tomorrow.

Looks pretty good, the 3D effect is there for sure.

Just me but I don't mind too much about how fast/slow I'm drawing UNLESS it's affecting my line quality. i feel I'm drawing too fast for my brain to reprocess and think so I need to force myself to slow down.

Unless it's an art comm, you shouldn't worry too much about how much time spent

Thanks for all of your feedback! really appreciated! I changed the title to Mechs vs Magic which sounds better imo and hints at what awaits you :smile:.
@Gordon003 i tried to incorporate as much as I could. I decided to redo his flying devices again and opted for a, albeit very stylized, engine look. I do think it makes more clear what I had in mind. Thank you!
@patrycja.lerch I redid the value and color sceme on my fonts and are much happier with it now. I also incorporated the new colors in the robot design to make it match and it kinda makes him pop a bit more. Thank you!


one thing i'd recommend to make it better is to give it more highlights since metal is pretty shiny :smile: i think it'd look even better if u do an add glow layer with a darker purple kind of scattered throughout

the robot would look even better with a bit of purple highlight on the bottom with white shine on top imo

one more thing i'd recommend is that when drawing something shiny, use a darker background, that way its easier to see the shine :smile:

Thanks so much! That looks awesome! I'll definetily give that a try and see what I can come up with and share that.

In the meantime, I started with the anatomy lessons, to atleast keep somewhat up with the study guide and my personal time plan :smile:. The hardest thing to do was drawing good circles, but atleast it's getting easier. Also I want to try more angles, but for now ill focus on gettting the proportions right. I'll share this in case you had a hard day and need something to smile at :smiley:.

And those were only the ones that turned out kinda okay :frowning: :smile:

And here is the final product. Thanks again to everyone helping me out :smile:!

25 days later

Hello again everyone :smile:. I got news (kinda). I decided to apply for artschool next year and for that reason im currently in the portfolio-making-business. Now here is where the fun for you all starts: Below you'll fid three sketches of a viking-themed environment/location. I plan on fleshing one of them out to as a personal project. If you're interested, please let me know which one you like best and why :smile:- Thanks!

I like the shape exploration of the building in the bottom middle and its environment. I learned that Vikings utilized their boat-building knowledge to build their houses. So, I correlate their architecture with the ocean.

I also love the snake statue on the left one. Maybe these Vikings worship Jormungandr instead of your usual Odin. They fight using more slippery tactics and deadly accuracy!