I click on the notification bell icon and it doesn't show anything, just the wheel spinning like it's charging. I think this might also affect whether my store has sold anything lately or not. Is it happening to anyone else? Can you tell me how to resolve?

Exactly same here. Opened a ticket in the support section. No response yet.
Really hard to keep up with others and posts without it.

Seems to be working now! Thanks!
Granted, any word on what could have caused it? Was it something we inadvertently caused by mistake? (So we don't do it again), or just an internal bug that was resolved?

Sorry, I actually don't know. I would imagine it's the latter, but I can't say for sure.

I haven't experimented much, but I noticed new notifications don't seem to be appearing. Previous notifications appeared but one from today didn't.
I'll keep watching and report back if it works again, but something still doesn't seem to be working right.

Ok, yea, now I'm sure, notifications aren't working... That is, I see the previous ones up to yesterday, but none after that are poping up.

@daceronine, do you get a notification from this reply? Could you also reply to this message to see if I get a notification? Thank you in advance!

Some notifications came in, some delayed... but I'm still not getting recent notifications or from my store sales. And when you click the first time on the forum profile, the so-called "error 404" happens. Need to try a few times to get in.

Alright, thanks for the heads up. I'll let our team know it's still not working properly. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Yea they seem to be working now

Seems to work! Got a dump of many notifications, followed by another one. I'll keep an eye out and reply again if it seems to stop working, but at the moment it looks good! Thanks!