Hi, I'm trying to make my own Wallpaper for my ipad and I want make it as perfect as I possibly can. And I'm using this as a test for myself on how much I've improved so far and learn new style or mistakes on the way. Can you guys help me on critique it? and Is there any places I drew wrong or should improve on. Advice will be really appreciated too.

Alright so hold on tight cause I ain't holdin' back! (Tough love)

- First will talk about your female OC, the first initial hand was done fine besides the fact that it's a little too far right. It's kind of an anatomical error more than a foreshortening one. Secondly I'd like to talk about the hand behind her, frankly it's too big and it's really not helping out your composition foreshortening wise. It's canceling out the front hand and making the viewer think "oh she just has big hands". Instead of "Oh wow! it looks like the hand is coming right at me!" What I'm trying to say is make the Arm + Hand in the back proportionally smaller.

Now for the male, Theres a lot more anatomical errors in your male than your female preferably the front arm. It's a very uncomfortable looking pose and the foreshortening of the arm isn't in an angle that'd bring this piece into it's max potential.

(I'm going to post more when I get home I have a LOT more to say, In currently in school so I'll be back soon)

ah ok, still practicing on foreshortening and yes her hands are big XD but having trouble with the foreshortening part. Any way to learn it? i've been trying but I always get them wrong , even with reference :\

Alright I'm back and here to help!

I'm short on time so I'm going to make this quick. Another thing I see in this piece is a lack of flow, the poses look very stiff and honestly kind of repetitive if you take a deep look into the piece. What I suggest is adding some interaction between the characters as if there actually standing next to each other.

-The way I see it right now, it looks if you drew each character separately and just pasted them together on a page. When presenting OC's you really want something in the piece that's going to give the viewer a look into who and what exactly your characters are. (personality, Emotion, Mortality etc). this is my last recommendation to you!

Cheers! Exofley signing out.

ok will try again after work :smile: ty so much for the help ^^

It's definitely getting better! You have a really great focal point (where there hands seem to be touching) utilize that as much as you can to create a bond between the characters or whatever emotion your trying to convey to your audience I'd love to see more when your finished!