Hi, I'm phizzle12. I've been doing art for many years since I was young, but I feel that I haven't been making a lot of progress lately. After watching a bunch of Marc's videos on YouTube for a few months, I was convinced to take his Artschool course. I also appreciate his advice of making progress like a marathon instead of doing everything at once. I'm taking my time as I watch and do the assignments whenever I can on my time. I'm not really sure what I want to do with art in the future. I'm not sure whether to be a concept artist, illustrator, comic book artist, etc. I hope to find what I'm looking for as I keep taking the course.

However, when it comes to art, I typically love comic book art and, in general, illustrations, both traditional and digital. So I feel that I might be in one of those camps.

I hope to level up in my art!

There are 188 replies with an estimated read time of 22 minutes.

Welcome aboard and good luck to you


8 days later

These assignments have been very humbling to me. To be honest, I thought I was good at drawing, but doing these assignments made me realize that there's still so much I have to learn. And knowing this fact excites me because now I know where to go in my art journey, and I can't wait to learn more!

Also, if anyone has any advice about using the image adjustment tools, that would be much appreciated, because I spent a lot of time with them for this assignment, and I'm still confused on how to use them.

Welcome to the forums, great stuff so far, looking forward to see your progress

You did a very good job on the color matching, the only critique that i have is that the background where the clouds are aren't as greenish blue they are missing saturation. Other than that you did really good, a lot better than my attempt. I look forward to your progress.

You did so well with the color adjustments! I won't lie. The line and circle exercises were very humbling for me too, but if you're not used to working with a tablet/computer set up, don't beat yourself up. I was switching from Procreate and pencil/paper to a tablet and laptop and I was moritfiedddd haha! Can't wait to see your progress!

Thank you! Truthfully, I have been working for a tablet for quite a while. I don't have the best foundations when it comes to line work in general, and I have always avoided practicing this skill until now. After this exercise, I definitely have to improve in this area.

Here are my combining images and apple assignments. I'm still working on these assignments slowly. I never done this photo manipulation before, but I find it surprisingly fun. Though, I still need to improve.

I really like your "dream home" one! Particularly the cat in the... almost foreground lol! Very dreamy.

Thank you! I didn't really feel like putting a human in there, so I went with a cat lol

Here is the rest of the photo manipulation assignments. I had a hard time with putting Martin Sheen's features onto Andrew Garfield's face, but it was fascinating to use photoshop to age someone up. Also, I chose them because of the Amazing Spider-Man movies.

I had a fun time liquifying an alien's face and making it look close to Willem Dafoe's face. Though, I also had a hard time with the muddy textures as a result of the liquify tool. And it occurred to me after I finished the liquify tool that Willem Dafoe was from Sam Raimi's Spider-Man series. So, this is a nice Spider-Man-themed post.

Here is some of my perspective assignments and studies. I have always slacked off on perspective since I have never found this process entertaining. I preferred figure drawing. However, doing the exercises was a nice break from human figures since I was drawing boxes most of the time. The exercises also allowed me to see the use of perspective in other people's artwork more recently. I look forward to incorporating perspective into my drawing routine/exercise.