Hello everyone! I'm gonna be starting this sketchbook to motivate me to study daily. I've been into art for almost 2 years now and I feel like I'm wasting so much time and want to change that. I know if I made a normal Art blog/Sketchbook I would still procrastinate a lot, so my answer was to stream the whole process and commit myself to do it every day.

I will be streaming the progress starting tomorrow, every day at 12:00pm (UTC-6:00) at: www.twitch.tv/pinshivic

All progress wil be posted here.

Sorry in advance if I'm doing something againts the rules.

I had the same problem you did....I would waste my time playing a bunch of video games and just looking at art apposed to actually spending time drawing!! Recently I've also decided that streaming myself paint would force me to keep painting continuously and it helped soo much. Although streaming wasn't the thing that forced me to paint a lot...it was the fact that I actually found a direction and style of painting that I enjoy and as of now i'm just having so much fun designing and streaming in this fun colorful style!! Hope you start painting a lot too~

Also I stream on www.Picarto.tv, Twitch was so overwhelming and picarto just feels very artsy....you should check that website out too. Maybe you'll like it maybe you won't~

Thanks for your reply, glad to see someone else did something similar, I would try picarto if i wasn't so immersed on twitch and twitch memes lol.

In terms of stream, I would say Twitch is hands down the best bang of the buck at the moment, especially now with the creative section. @fathoncube @pinshivic

And welcome to the forum buddy. It definitely can be a bit time waster if one lacks discipline, so streaming the whole process definitely helps. You could also try youtubing later on, doing personal projects, showing the process of it etc.

Well then, continue grinding.

DAY #1

First stream was a little short, just 1 hour, but I want to make them at least 4-5 hours, the problem is that I failed to realize I need to plan ahead what I'm going to do and not wing it randomly.
Here is what I did, some 10 minute poses from Quickposes.com.


Sometimes I suck at face structure and I really want to improve in brushstrokes and markmaking but I almost never paint, 90% of what I do is drawing so here's a skull painting, took me around 2:30 hours and got very bored so I didn't take it further, still good practice.

No one has showed up to the streams so the pressure is off, I don't know how good I'll paint/draw if someone's watching lol.

DAY #3 Had the worst day in a long time, just as I got to do the study my dogs couldn't stop barking, I got like 4 phonecalls and I was drawing the worst I have done in a while, didn't even finish the study out of frustration, It's like today I unlearned everything, at least I realized I need to work a lot on my portraits.

DAY #4

Well, today was a better day than yesterday, did another portrait to compensate for the lack of work yesterday.
Obviously still sucking at portraits.

DAY #5

Getting more confident with portraits, but not happy with the likeness, tried to get the likeness as close as possible using only line, was a good excercise, will be doing it more and more.

DAY #6

Really not feeling it today, kind of hungover, still gotta keep the challenge going, even though I didn't do much portraits it had been a lot of time of not doing some face studies, so I think I actually got a little bit better over these 5 days, want to start building my first portfolio in the next days, so I'll be studying other artists in the next days/weeks.

Agreed! Keep it up!

Really loving the little bit's of commentary before each image. :smiley:

Thanks for the comments guys, I realized I needed to replan the challenge, since if I keep it like this it won't help me much grow as an artist, I'm going to start building a portfolio and applying the studies to the portfolio but first I need to do some thinking, I'll come back in a couple of days!