Hello Guys. Today i'm start my first artblog on the internet. I'm Brazilian(so sorry my bad english,i'm learning) and i started as an artist about 5 months ago when i quitted my secretary job.I want to try my life as a freelancer but i think my work still very far away from the rest of community rsrs. So,any type that you guys can give me i will be very glad to hear(read i guess). Thx

This is my first work. I made this 2 months ago more or less, since that i'm trying to do more portraits.

So, i'm here again :smile: . I have spent the last few days trying to do an environment and it was terrible. it's hard to start something new, But I'm trying.as soon as i make something not awful I will post here. Until that, i will leave here my second art work. it was slight better than the other,but it's not great yet